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A Datalog API for Spark
A Datalog API for Spark, which allows for mix Datalog queries into Spark computations. Written entirely in Scala.
// Assuming we have the following RDDs (for example read from HDFS):
val edgesRdd = sc.parallelize(Seq((1, 2, 1), (1, 3, 5), (2, 3, 1)))
val sourceRdd = sc.parallelize(Seq(0))
// Compute shortests paths from the source node using Spark Datalog API:
// 1. Create a Database from Relations built from RDDs.
val database = Database(
Relation.ternary("Edge", edgesRdd),
Relation.unary("IsSource", sourceRdd))
// 2. Execute a Datalog query on the database, producing a new Database.
val query = """
|declare Path(int v, int dist aggregate Min).
|Path(x, d) :- IsSource(s), Edge(s, x, d).
|Path(x, d) :- Path(y, da), Edge(y, x, db), d = da + db.
val resultDatabase: Database = database.datalog(query)
// 3. Retrieve the result from the new Database.
val resultPathsRdd: RDD[Seq[Int]] = resultDatabase("Path")
// We can now save the paths RDD to distributed storage
// or perform further computations on it.
// We can of course also print it to stdout:
print(resultPathsRdd.collect().map("Path(" + _.mkString(", ") + ")").mkString("\n"))
// Outputs:
// Path(3, 2)
// Path(2, 1)
Quick start
Check out SparkDatalog source with the example project:
git clone [email protected]:marekrogala/sparkdatalog.git
Run the example program:
cd sparkdatalog/sparkdatalog
sbt run
To compile and run the program, you need to have SBT installed (