issue copied to clipboard
Installing under virtualenvwrapper?
Hello Marek.
I wanted to see if you had some guidance on how to install 'issue' and 'RedCLAP' under virtualenvwrapper in order to keep it self-contained?
Thank you.
not really. I just install them both to ~/.local
and don't use virtualenvwrapper. I guess both Issue and RedCLAP should be available through pip for virtualenvwrapper to work...
What errors did you encounter? Maybe I will be able to help.
Dear Marek,
pip install didn't seem to work for me, as the CLAP version seemed to be out of date? And there is a conflicting 'issue' package in the Python package manager.
What did work was:
# After doing git clone in some local directory
# which in my case is ~/local/src/issue and ~/local/src/clap
$ cd issue; make install
$ cd ../clap; make local-install
$ mkvirtualenvwrapper issue
$ workon issue
$ pip install unidecode
$ pip install colored
$ cd ~/.local/lib/python$(PYTHONVERSION)/site-packages/issue/
$ mv issue/ ~/.virtualenvs/issue/lib/python3.6/site-packages/
$ mv clap/ ~/.virtualenvs/issue/lib/python3.6/site-packages/
Hope this helps someone else.