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A reactive Web Component library to create Custom Element and turns any HTML sections into components

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This repo hasn't been updated since 2019. There is a still-active [fork]( but are you willing to merge it and continue developing LiteDOM or is it abandoned? As viable alternatives,...

@mardix hi sir i have a question for example when create a root component with style flex this no work like this ``` ``` Flex style no affect child elments...

This is a naïve question but can I run litedom without having a node.js local server? I wish I could start developing right inside the browser. As there are no...

Hi @mardix - nice library. I really like the API. I've been playing around with it though and I can't get nested components to work correctly. Can you see if...

When I have a component within another component. gives the following error when I try to call a method from the child component "Cannot read property 'call' of undefined at...

Is possible to use one custom element inside other element ` Entidad EsActiva Activo Accion Select All {item.Entidad} {item.EsActiva} Activar Seleccionado Seleccionar ` ` import Litedom from '//'; const template...

Hey Guys, nice work there! I was wondering and couldn't find on documentation about Custom Events. I believe the main feature for web components should be the relationship through events,...

# JS.ORG CLEANUP Hello, it seems a `` subdomain that was requested to target this repository no longer works. The subdomain requested was `` and had the target of ``....