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Device is now a thermostat instead of a simple climate sensor...
Hey, thank you for Plugin, love it 👍
Since the last update, the HmIP-STHD wall thermostat has been used as a thermostat. In principle, this is not bad, but this means that the wall thermostat is no longer used as a sensor. So you no longer get the humidity displayed in the Apple Home app.
Is there a possibility to use the thermostats HmIP-STHD and HmIP-WTH-2 as a sensor and as a thermostat at the same time? So the humidity is still displayed in the Apple Home app.
Hey @roscha444, sorry for the long delay. Correct, the humidity is not directly displayed in the Home app. But you can see it when you go to the thermostat settings. You can also use the value to start an automation if you like, or ask Siri for the current humidity.
You could display it at the same time, but last time I did this, most people where confused or disliked it. The only option would be to make it configurable. But the priority currently is very low due to limited time. I will let you know about any progress. :)
Kindly consider switching back to an accessory with a temperature and a humidity service for the HmIP-STH/HmIP-STHD. From a usability point of view it makes no sense, to have two thermostat services in the same room when using an HmIP-STH in connection with a HmIP radiator valve. That is simply a bit annoying and confusing as well.
In the case that you do not consider switching back the accessory type or give an option to choose between thermostat service and temperature/humidity service for the HmIP-STH/HmIP-STHD, kindly consider adding an option instead which allows for ignoring certain devices completely and not expose them to HomeKit at all, based on their SGTIN for example.