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A lightweight and minimalist webapp that compiles all the locations of all Pokémon across every game in the series. It gives you instant Pokémon information and keeps track of your Pokédex progress.
This lightweight and minimalist webapp compiles all the locations of all Pokémon across every game in the series. Find Pokémon information quickly and keep track of your Pokédex progress. No registration/installation required!
- all regional+national Pokédex from RBY up to Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
- quick Pokémon search (name or number) at anytime
- search also by location or Pokémon type
- click in a location title to get a list of all Pokémon in that location
- users can keep track of their regional Pokédex progress by marking mark caught Pokémon
- made in Vanilla JS, very lightweight
- design focused on speed and usability
- responsive design for best user experience in both desktop and mobile (swipe can be used to navigate through Pokémon)
- can be installed as a progressive webapp and run completely offline
It's aimed mostly for completionists, but there is also some basic competitive information. Shortcut links to other famous sites are shown though, just in case user needs them.
French, italian and japanese translations are partially translated.
Only location names are translated. GUI strings, Pokémon and ability names are not translated. Feel free to contribute by translating them!