Marc Pawlowsky
Marc Pawlowsky
One of the problems with docker images is that it is hard to lock down all the dependencies, and as the dependencies change for example the .deb files the docker...
Would be nice to have Google benchmark as one of the optional dependencies
Would be great to have GSL as an option.
Some options would be best overriden from the command line take precedence over the configuration file, without having a complex build step that updates the configuration file. Specifically in my...
XQuartz 2.8.5_beta5 (xorg-server 21.1.6) (Also with 2.8.4) xhost + Running docker container ubuntu:22.04 In container installed IntelliJ idea-IC-223.t8214.52 In container start intelliJ /opt/idea-IC-223.8214.52/bin/ XQuartz will crash ``` ------------------------------------- Translated Report...
% uname -a Darwin XXX 21.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 21.6.0: Thu Jul 6 22:18:26 PDT 2023; root:xnu-8020.240.18.702.13~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 % pip3 --version pip 23.2.1 from /Users/XXX/Library/Python/3.9/lib/python/site-packages/pip (python 3.9)
''' /usr/local/bin/js2e /Users/marcpawl/github/Triumph_TTS/fake_meshwesh/json_schemas --module-name Meshwesh warning: :logger :level has been set to :warn in config files, please use :warning instead (logger 1.15.5) lib/logger/app.ex:102: Logger.App.default_level/0 (logger 1.15.5) lib/logger/app.ex:35: Logger.App.start/2 (kernel 9.0.2)...