attachment_magick icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
attachment_magick copied to clipboard

Upload images and videos(vimeo, youtube) and cache using Swfupload and Dragonfly

== Attachment Magick

Attachment Magick is a gem to upload images and videos(vimeo and youtube) using swfupload. Supports Mongoid and ActiveRecord.

== Installation

Add to Gemfile

gem 'attachment_magick'

After the gem installation, run the generator

rails g attachment_magick:install

The generator will install swfupload (js and css files) and will create some routes.

And if you are using ActiveRecord, run this too

rails g attachment_magick:migration

Create a initializer like this (config/initializers/attachment_magick_setup.rb)

AttachmentMagick.setup do |config| # config.default_add_partial = '/attachment_magick/add_image' # default

# You can set grid size manually:
  config.columns_amount = 16
  config.columns_width  = 52
  config.gutter         = 8
# Or with our magick :)
# config.parse_stylesheet('name_of_my_grid_file.css')

config.orms = ["ActiveRecord", "Mongoid"] # Mongoid is default

config.custom_styles do
  publisher "52x"
  my_custom_style "50x50"


  • Attachment Magick is based on 960 Grid System (

Add to application.rb

config.middleware.insert 0, 'Rack::Cache', { :verbose => true, :metastore => URI.encode("file:#{Rails.root}/tmp/dragonfly/cache/meta"), :entitystore => URI.encode("file:#{Rails.root}/tmp/dragonfly/cache/body") } # unless Rails.env.production? ## uncomment this 'unless' in Rails 3.1, ## because it already inserts Rack::Cache in production

config.middleware.insert_after 'Rack::Cache', 'Dragonfly::Middleware', :images

== Getting started

Include the js files to your application layout or page

javascript_include_tag :defaults, "swfupload/handlers", "swfupload/swfupload"

Include AttachmentMagick Module to your model

class Post include AttachmentMagick



Call this helpers in form views

attachment_progress_container @post attachment_for_view @post attachment_for_video @post attachment_for_flash

For customize your list for images attachment_for_view @post, 'path/my_partial'

== Customizing views

=== Just Images

<%= link_to "[x]", "javascript://", :class => "remove_image", :style => "float:right;"%>

<%= attachment_for_view @post, "path_to_my_partial" %>

== Customizing sizes

class Post include AttachmentMagick

attachment_magick do
  grid_1 "100x100"


== Credits

Author: Marco Singer Contributors: Lucas Renan, Carlos Brando

== See in (