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Solved algorithms and data structures problems in many languages
Data Structure and Algorithmic Problems solved in many languages
This repository is inspired by keon's solved problems in Python 3. I wanted to compare solutions across different languages and learn them in the process. Solutions may be my own, or taken from the internet.
Click on the icons to search by language
List of problems
Google Code Jam
- [x] googlecodejam
- [x] 2017
- [x] Oversized Pancake Flipper
- [x] Tidy Numbers
- [x] Fashion Show
- [x] 2018
- [x] Bathroom Stalls
- [x] Number Guessing
- [x] Senate Evacuation
- [x] Cruise Control
- [x] Cube UFO
- [x] Go Gopher
- [x] Saving The Universe Again
- [x] Trouble Sort
- [x] Waffle Choppers
- [x] Lollipop Shop
- [x] Rounding Error
- [x] 2019
- [x] Cryptopangrams
- [x] Dat Bae
- [x] Foregone Solution
- [x] You Can Go Your Own Way
- [x] 2017
Advent of Code
- [x] adventofcode
[ ] 2018
- [x] 1
- [x] 2
- [x] 3
- [x] 4
- [x] 5
- [x] 6
- [x] 7
- [x] 8
- [x] 9
- [x] 10
- [x] 11
- [x] 12
- [x] 13
- [x] 14
- [x] 15
- [x] 16
- [x] 17
- [x] 18
- [x] 19
- [x] 20
- [x] 21
- [x] 22
- [x] 23
- [ ] 24
- [ ] 25
[x] 2019
- [x] d1
- [x] d2
- [x] d3
- [x] d4
- [x] d5
- [x] d6
- [x] d7
- [x] d8
Data Structures
[x] array
- [x] circular_counter
- [x] flatten
- [x] garage
- [x] golf_bot
- [x] longest_non_repeat
- [x] merge_intervals
- [x] missing_ranges
- [x] plus_one
- [x] rotate_array
- [x] summary_ranges
- [x] three_sum
- [x] two_sum
[ ] backtrack
- [x] anagram
- [x] array_sum_combinations
- [x] combination_sum
- [x] expression_add_operators
- [x] factor_combinations
- [ ] generate_abbreviations
- [ ] generate_parenthesis
- [ ] letter_combination
- [ ] palindrome_partitioning
- [ ] pattern_match
- [ ] permute
- [ ] permute_unique
- [ ] subsets
- [ ] subsets_unique
[ ] bfs
- [x] puzzle_game
- [ ] shortest_distance_from_all_buildings
- [ ] word_ladder
[ ] bit
- [ ] bytes_int_conversion
- [ ] count_ones
- [ ] find_missing_number
- [ ] power_of_two
- [ ] reverse_bits
- [ ] single_number2
- [ ] single_number
- [ ] subsets
- [ ] add_without_operator
[ ] calculator
- [ ] math_parser
[ ] dfs
- [ ] all_factors
- [x] count_islands
- [ ] pacific_atlantic
- [ ] sudoku_solver
- [ ] walls_and_gates
[ ] dp
- [ ] buy_sell_stock
- [ ] climbing_stairs
- [ ] coin_change
- [ ] combination_sum
- [ ] egg_drop
- [ ] house_robber
- [ ] job_scheduling
- [ ] knapsack
- [ ] longest_increasing
- [ ] matrix_chain_order
- [ ] max_product_subarray
- [ ] max_subarray
- [ ] min_cost_path
- [ ] num_decodings
- [ ] regex_matching
- [ ] rod_cut
- [ ] word_break
[ ] graph
- [ ] strongly_connected
- [ ] clone_graph
- [ ] cycle_detection
- [ ] find_all_cliques
- [ ] find_path
- [ ] graph
- [ ] markov_chain
- [ ] minimum_spanning_tree
- [ ] satisfiability
- [ ] tarjan
- [ ] traversal
[ ] heap
- [ ] merge_sorted_k_lists
- [ ] skyline
- [ ] sliding_window_max
[ ] linkedlist
- [ ] add_two_numbers
- [ ] copy_random_pointer
- [ ] delete_node
- [ ] first_cyclic_node
- [x] is_cyclic
- [ ] is_palindrome
- [ ] kth_to_last
- [ ] linkedlist
- [ ] remove_duplicates
- [ ] reverse
- [ ] rotate_list
- [ ] swap_in_pairs
[ ] map
- [ ] hashtable
- [ ] longest_common_subsequence
- [ ] randomized_set
- [ ] valid_sudoku
[ ] maths
- [ ] base_conversion
- [ ] extended_gcd
- [ ] gcd/lcm
- [ ] generate_strobogrammtic
- [ ] is_strobogrammatic
- [ ] next_perfect_square
- [ ] nth_digit
- [ ] prime_test
- [ ] primes_sieve_of_eratosthenes
- [ ] pythagoras
- [ ] rabin_miller
- [ ] rsa
- [ ] sqrt_precision_factor
[ ] matrix
- [ ] bomb_enemy
- [ ] copy_transform
- [ ] count_paths
- [ ] matrix_rotation.txt
- [ ] rotate_image
- [ ] search_in_sorted_matrix
- [ ] sparse_dot_vector
- [ ] sparse_mul
- [ ] spiral_traversal
[ ] queues
- [ ] max_sliding_window
- [ ] moving_average
- [ ] queue
- [ ] reconstruct_queue
- [ ] zigzagiterator
[ ] search
- [ ] binary_search
- [ ] first_occurance
- [ ] last_occurance
[ ] set
- [ ] randomized_set
- [ ] set_covering
[ ] sort
- [ ] bubble_sort
- [ ] comb_sort
- [ ] counting_sort
- [ ] heap_sort
- [ ] insertion_sort
- [ ] meeting_rooms
- [ ] merge_sort
- [ ] quick_sort
- [ ] selection_sort
- [ ] sort_colors
- [ ] topsort
- [ ] wiggle_sort
[ ] stack
- [ ] longest_abs_path
- [ ] simplify_path
- [ ] stack
- [ ] valid_parenthesis
[ ] strings
- [x] molecules_to_atoms
- [ ] add_binary
- [ ] breaking_bad
- [ ] decode_string
- [ ] encode_decode
- [ ] group_anagrams
- [ ] int_to_roman
- [ ] is_palindrome
- [ ] license_number
- [ ] make_sentence
- [ ] multiply_strings
- [ ] one_edit_distance
- [ ] rabin_karp
- [ ] reverse_string
- [ ] reverse_vowel
- [ ] reverse_words
- [ ] roman_to_int
- [ ] word_squares
[ ] tree
- [ ] binary_tree
- [x] binary_tree
- [x] binary_tree_paths
- [x] deepest_left
- [x] invert_tree
- [x] is_balanced
- [x] is_same_tree
- [x] is_subtree
- [x] is_symmetric
- [ ] longest_consecutive_sequence
- [ ] lowest_common_ancestor
- [ ] max_height
- [ ] min_height
- [ ] path_sum
- [ ] serialize_deserialize
- [ ] traversal
- [ ] inorder
- [ ] level_order
- [ ] zigzag
- [ ] binary_search_tree
- [ ] array2bst
- [ ] binary_search_tree
- [ ] bst_closest_value
- [ ] BSTIterator
- [ ] delete_node
- [ ] is_valid_bst
- [ ] kth_smallest
- [ ] lowest_common_ancestor
- [ ] unique_bst
- [ ] red_black_tree
- [ ] red_black_tree
- [ ] segment_tree
- [ ] segment_tree
- [ ] trie
- [ ] add_and_search
- [ ] trie
- [ ] binary_tree
[x] union-find
- [x] count_islands
List of Designs
- [ ] alarm_system
- [ ] all_o_one_ds
- [ ] excel_table
- [ ] LRUcache
- [ ] nearby_drivers
- [ ] ride_sharing
- [ ] task_runner
- [ ] twitter_feeds
I'd love to have contributors, all feedback is welcome! Take a look at CONTRIBUTING