Thanks I have tried with the fork, i'm using the flooding mesh master/slave example. for the master i need to make arrangment in library but in slave there are a...
Many thanks, tomorrow i will test it. Marco
Dear Armin, your sample works fine, many thanks just 2 arrangement in your code to work for every other developer interested in slave code i have added #define D9 2...
Yes, many thanks, i have founded tha table of byted used. another little help, i have tryed to change channel ESP_NOW_CHANNEL from 1 to 2 or 5 on both master/slave...
Of course, on the master i think to have a web server for ota update. Tomorrow i will check. Many many thanks Marco Piai -------- Messaggio originale -------- Da: Armin...
Dear, I have tryed, your original code and if i change channel variable ESP_NOW_CHANNEL = 2 in both master/slave code the terminal show this error: E (xxx) ESPNOW: Peer channel...
YYYYEEEESSS now works fine. Many thanks Marco
i have the same problem, but only with firefox (now release 118.0.2) I have solved moving the creation of the gauge in a function with a value parameter for start...
example: function create_gauge(valuestart){ var GAUGE = new RadialGauge({ renderTo: 'gauge1', width: 180, height: 180, units: '°C', title: 'Temp', value: valuestart, minValue: -10, maxValue: 60, ticksAngle: 225, startAngle: 67.5, majorTicks: [...