vedo copied to clipboard
how to open multiple panels on one window ?
Is there anyway to make the inset to be interactive ? (Accept the callback function)
You can try with
from vedo import *
plt = Plotter(bg2='bisque', size=(1000,800), interactive=False)
e = Volume(dataurl+"embryo.tif").isosurface()
e.normalize().shift(-2,-1.5,-2).c("gold"), viewup='z')
ex = e.clone().scale(0.25).pos(0,0.1,0.1).alpha(0.1).lighting('off')
inset = plt.add_inset(Axes(ex), ex, pos=(0.1,0.1), size=0.15, draggable=1)
def ff(widget, evt_name):
print("->>>", evt_name, [widget])
inset.AddObserver("AnyEvent", ff)
Thank you so much. I saw that vedo can be integrated with Qt. Is it also able to integrate with PySide2 ? P.S. I want to support vedo. Whaat can I do ?
You're welcome! I just checked vedo can work out of the box with pyside6, hopefully this is also true for pyside2. Here is a minimal example:
from PySide6.QtWidgets import QApplication
from vtk.qt.QVTKRenderWindowInteractor import QVTKRenderWindowInteractor
import vedo
sphere = vedo.Sphere().lw(1)
axes = vedo.Axes(sphere)
app = QApplication([])
widget = QVTKRenderWindowInteractor()
plt = vedo.Plotter(qt_widget=widget, axes=14, bg2='blue9')
plt.add(sphere, axes)'z')
I want to support vedo. Whaat can I do ?
You can do it at And of course any PR to improve the library is super-highly appreciated! :)