roboto-calendar-view copied to clipboard
dependencies error
Failed to resolve: com.github.marcohc:robotocalendarview:
i have done this: Add the repository to your general build.gradle:
repositories { maven { url "" } } And then add the library in your specific project build.gradle:
compile 'com.github.marcohc:robotocalendarview:<release>'
net problem
but how to create other markCircle and why can not swap left or right
Getting error
Error:(28, 13) Failed to resolve: com.github.marcohc:robotocalendarview:
Get the same error when I try to sync project. added maven { url ""} and implementation 'com.github.marcohc:robotocalendarview:3.6.1'
I'm with the same problem, any idea? My connection is OK and my Android Studio is on version 3.0.1.