Marco Gaiarin
Marco Gaiarin
I've looked in docs and a bit also in the code, but i've not found an answer. I'm speaking particularly on running bleachbit on windows. There's some way to have...
Suddenly the plugin refuse even to query youtube video, popping up the 'quotaExceeded' error. Looking in google API page, the only strange thing i note is the 'YouTube Data API...
Using a pretty standard InnoSetup commandline like: neatmouse-1.05.005-setup.exe /sp- /verysilent /suppressmsgboxes /norestart /mergetasks="desktopicon" installer is still 'not silent'. I've tried also to save installation parameters with /saveinf="c:\filename" but file does...
My operator (Wind, Italy) use extensively USSD, and worked in chan dongle _original_ version, with asterisk 1.6/1.8. Now (asterisk 11) does not work anymore. Example: `eraldo*CLI> dongle ussd dongle0 *123#...
I'm using this syslog agent by years, downloaded from (now seems is, but seems also the same versions). By some days, after a windows upgrade, i got in...
I've discovered and give a try to pywebdriver, trying to simplify a bit my setup and stop using a bunch of RPi with posbox. I've installed the package, but seems...
Thanks for all your effort on this wonderful project! I'm a sysadmin. I've installed on some Win10 64bit computer used by my Occupational Therapy, but found that program does not...
I'm testing Claper (wondeful!) for a Linux User group here in north east of Italy (Pordenone Linux User Group, PNLug). I was able to run the docker container, fix some...
I'm using FI agend 2.4 on debian stretch, GLPI 9.3.2. Inventory of HP Procurve/Aruba Network switches is totally useless: inventory is correct for a single switches per network, but if...
``` Error building the firmware image Server response: Error: Impossible package selection [Please report the error message and request]( Request Data: { "url": "", "revision": "r20134-5f15225c1e", "advanced_mode": "0", "branch": "22.03",...