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Question in / javascript_refresher / product_method_lookup.js
var Book = Object.create(Product).extend({
init: function(name, author) {
this._author = author;
return this;
_author: null,
setAuthor: function(author) { this._author = author; },
author: function() { return; }
From above code, can you explain why you called Product.init(name) in init of the Book prototype? With above, if I create two instances of book with different name,
var myBook = Object.create(Book).init('Lords of the Rings', 'J.R.R. Tolkien'); var myBook2 = Object.create(Book).init('The Hobbit', 'J.R.R. Tolkien');
The myBook._name is overwritten by name initialized in myBook2 and also returns 'The Hobbit'
I don't think it is what you intended for. and how do I properly inherit init function from product prototype?
Hi Jaehwan,
sorry for my late answer. I'm still stuck in a heap of work.
And thanks a lot for your feedback. Actually, I'm already aware of two errors you described. There is also a fix for the inheritance-Problem. All that is missing is a bind to change the "this" for the Book. I attached you the errata-file.
Feel free to ask, if you have any further questions or suggestions.
On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 2:03 AM, Jaehwan Ryu [email protected] wrote:
var Book = Object.create(Product).extend({ init: function(name, author) { Product.init(name); this._author = author; return this; },
_author: null, setAuthor: function(author) { this._author = author; }, author: function() { return; }
From above code, can you explain why you called Product.init(name) in init of the Book prototype? With above, if I create two instances of book with different name,
var myBook = Object.create(Book).init('Lords of the Rings', 'J.R.R. Tolkien'); var myBook2 = Object.create(Book).init('The Hobbit', 'J.R.R. Tolkien');
The myBook._name is overwritten by name initialized in myBook2 and also returns 'The Hobbit'
I don't think it is what you intended for. and how do I properly inherit init function from product prototype?
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Regarding code in book: BDD with JS -- Listing 1.17
PROBLEM: myBook objects are sharing book name, see
The problem is in line 39;
This calls the right init-Method, but with the wrong this-object.
The solution is to rebind this:
Complete code below.
Thanks for finding this Bug Frank - I will include it in the book errata.
var Book, Product, myBook1, myBook2;
Object.prototype.extend = function(props) { var prop; for (prop in props) { this[prop] = props[prop]; } return this; };
Product = { _name: "", init: function(name) { this._name = name; return this; }, name: function() { return this._name; }, setName: function(name) { return this._name = name; } };
Book = Object.create(Product).extend({ _author: null, init: function(name, author) { (Product.init.bind(this))(name); this._author = author; return this; }, setAuthor: function(author) { return this._author = author; }, author: function() { return this._author; } });
myBook1 = Object.create(Book).init('Lords of the Ring', 'J.R.R. Tolkien');
myBook1.mostImportantHobbit = "Frodo";
myBook2 = Object.create(Book).init('BDD with JS', 'Frank');
myBook2.mostImportantHobbit = "Bento";
Lords of the Ring J.R.R. Tolkien Frodo BDD with JS Frank Bento
Thanks! Your book is really awesome. It would be really awesome and I will be happy to read if you have future release covering more advanced topics with more real word problems!! Currently, I find It's quite hard to find enough good materials on BDD in javascript :(