FCUtilities copied to clipboard
Common iOS utilities that I've needed for my apps. Hopefully some are useful for yours.
In commit 44510ade you removed the OAuth authentication using SFAuthenticationSession. However, in the newest version of the Twitter app, the `twitterauth:` URL scheme no longer starts the the authentication flow....
Another possible fix is to entirely remove this static selector, but the author believes Marco and other FCUtilities users might be making use of it, so this was the preferred...
This repo is awesome, and add documentation comments in the code will make this repo even better.
You talked on the podcast that your open source libs don't get much attraction or contributions.... I think this one is very useful and an important thing that it's missing...
Formatting a for .NET /date(123412389)/ Probably more useful for people with .NET backend of there apps Also added .NET GUID format generator