Marc Morcos
Marc Morcos
Error: RuntimeError: C:\P\IPP\ITK-source\ITK\Modules\Core\Common\src\itkDataObject.cxx:355: Requested region is (at least partially) outside the largest possible region. Steps to reproduce. 1- Import CT series (3D itk image) 2- itkwidgets.view(img) # Works fine 3-...
Hello, I'm following the example for the LCTSC_DICOM. I have installed miscnn using pip (python 3.9.1, pydicom 2.1.2). The following gives me an error: from miscnn.data_loading.interfaces.dicom_io import DICOM_interface >>> ModuleNotFoundError:...
Hi all, Is there a way to get some DVH metrics for the overall dose grid? Something like V100% and V200%, with answer being in cc's? I presume this can...
Hello, this seems very similar to the issue posted here: I notice an issue where I simply read a dicom series (CT image data, Float64) and then re-write it...