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The table "sqlwatch_trend_perf_os_performance_counters" keeps growing
The table "sqlwatch_trend_perf_os_performance_counters" keeps growing, even when we set all retention day to 1.
We can set all the retention except for the table "sqlwatch_trend_perf_os_performance_counters".
The retention is hardcoded at Stored Procedure : [dbo].[usp_sqlwatch_internal_exec_activated]
1 day, 90 days and 720 days.
Describe the solution you'd like
No longer use the valid_until column to determine when it need to be deleted.
Add in table "sqlwatch_config_snapshot_type" 3 more retention options. (exemple: os_performance_counters_1min, os_performance_counters_5min, os_performance_counters_60min)
Describe alternatives you've considered We add a Job to delete after one day, because we use the Central Repository, BUT this is a patch, it is not a real solution.
Additional context nope.
Thanks. This was a "lift and shift" from the agent job where you could change the @valid_days
easily but not so easy now in the procedure. I like the suggestion of making it into a snapshot. I will think of that, Thanks.
This is my suggestion
if ((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [dbo].[sqlwatch_config_snapshot_type] where [snapshot_type_id] in (32, 33, 34)) = 0 )
insert into [dbo].[sqlwatch_config_snapshot_type] ([snapshot_type_id], [snapshot_type_desc], [snapshot_retention_days], [collect])
select 32 AS [snapshot_type_id], 'OS performance counters by 1 min' as [snapshot_type_desc], 1 as [snapshot_retention_days], 1 as [collect];
insert into [dbo].[sqlwatch_config_snapshot_type] ([snapshot_type_id], [snapshot_type_desc], [snapshot_retention_days], [collect])
select 33 AS [snapshot_type_id], 'OS performance counters by 5 min' as [snapshot_type_desc], 7 as [snapshot_retention_days], 1 as [collect];
insert into [dbo].[sqlwatch_config_snapshot_type] ([snapshot_type_id], [snapshot_type_desc], [snapshot_retention_days], [collect])
select 34 AS [snapshot_type_id], 'OS performance counters by 60 min' as [snapshot_type_desc], 720 as [snapshot_retention_days], 1 as [collect];
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_sqlwatch_internal_retention]
set nocount on;
set xact_abort on;
declare @snapshot_type_id tinyint,
@batch_size smallint,
@row_count int,
@action_queue_retention_days_failed smallint,
@action_queue_retention_days_success smallint,
@application_log_retention_days smallint,
@sql_instance varchar(32) = dbo.ufn_sqlwatch_get_servername();
select @batch_size = [dbo].[ufn_sqlwatch_get_config_value](6, null)
select @action_queue_retention_days_failed = [dbo].[ufn_sqlwatch_get_config_value](3, null)
select @action_queue_retention_days_success = [dbo].[ufn_sqlwatch_get_config_value](4, null)
select @application_log_retention_days = [dbo].[ufn_sqlwatch_get_config_value](1, null)
select @row_count = 1 -- initalitzaion, otherwise loop will not be entered
declare @cutoff_dates as table (
snapshot_time datetime2(0),
sql_instance varchar(32),
snapshot_type_id tinyint,
primary key ([sql_instance], [snapshot_type_id])
/* To account for central repository, we need a list of all possible snapshot types cross joined with servers list
and calculate retention times from the type. This cannot be done for retention -1 as for that scenario,
we need to know the latest current snapshot. */
insert into @cutoff_dates
select snapshot_time = case when st.snapshot_retention_days >0 then dateadd(day,-st.snapshot_retention_days,GETUTCDATE()) else null end
, si.sql_instance
, st.snapshot_type_id
from [dbo].[sqlwatch_config_snapshot_type] st
cross join [dbo].[sqlwatch_config_sql_instance] si
/* Once we have a list of snapshots and dates,
we can get max snapshot for the rest - to avoid excesive scanning
and try force a seek, we are limiting this to only those have not got date yet i.e. snapshot types = -1 */
update c
set snapshot_time = t.snapshot_time
from @cutoff_dates c
inner join (
select snapshot_time=max(sh.snapshot_time), sh.sql_instance, sh.snapshot_type_id
from dbo.sqlwatch_logger_snapshot_header sh
inner join @cutoff_dates cd
on cd.sql_instance = sh.sql_instance collate database_default
and cd.snapshot_type_id = sh.snapshot_type_id
where cd.snapshot_time is null
group by sh.sql_instance, sh.snapshot_type_id
) t
on t.sql_instance = c.sql_instance collate database_default
and t.snapshot_type_id = c.snapshot_type_id
while @row_count > 0
begin tran
delete top (@batch_size) h
from dbo.[sqlwatch_logger_snapshot_header] h (readpast)
inner join @cutoff_dates c
on h.snapshot_time < c.snapshot_time
and h.sql_instance = c.sql_instance
and h.snapshot_type_id = c.snapshot_type_id
-- do not remove baseline snapshots:
where h.snapshot_time not in (
select snapshot_time
from [dbo].[sqlwatch_meta_snapshot_header_baseline]
where sql_instance = h.sql_instance
set @row_count = @@ROWCOUNT
print 'Deleted ' + convert(varchar(max),@row_count) + ' records from [dbo].[sqlwatch_logger_snapshot_header]'
commit tran
/* delete old records from the action queue */
from [dbo].[sqlwatch_meta_action_queue]
where [time_queued] < case when exec_status <> 'FAILED' then dateadd(day,-@action_queue_retention_days_success,sysdatetime()) else dateadd(day,-@action_queue_retention_days_failed,sysdatetime()) end
Print 'Deleted ' + convert(varchar(max),@@ROWCOUNT) + ' records from [dbo].[sqlwatch_meta_action_queue]'
/* Application log retention */
set @row_count = 1
while @row_count > 0
delete top (@batch_size)
from dbo.sqlwatch_app_log
where event_time < dateadd(day,-@application_log_retention_days, SYSDATETIME())
set @row_count = @@ROWCOUNT
Print 'Deleted ' + convert(varchar(max),@@ROWCOUNT) + ' records from [dbo].[sqlwatch_app_log]'
/* Trend tables retention.
These are detached from the header so we can keep more history and in a slightly different format to utilise less storage.
We are going to have remove data from these tables manually */
set @snapshot_type_id = 1 --Performance Counters
delete top (10000) d from [dbo].[sqlwatch_trend_perf_os_performance_counters] d inner join @cutoff_dates c -- limit delete operation
on d.snapshot_time < c.snapshot_time
where (d.interval_minutes = 1 and c.[snapshot_type_id] = 32)
OR (d.interval_minutes = 5 and c.[snapshot_type_id] = 33)
OR (d.interval_minutes = 60 and c.[snapshot_type_id] = 34)
--and sql_instance = @sql_instance and [sqlwatch_trend_perf_os_performance_counters].sql_instance = c.sql_instance -- we do not import configuration
--and getutcdate() > valid_until -- it does not longer needed
Print 'Deleted ' + convert(varchar(max),@@ROWCOUNT) + ' records from [dbo].[sqlwatch_trend_perf_os_performance_counters]'
exec [dbo].[usp_sqlwatch_internal_retention]
select top 5 * from [sqlwatch_trend_perf_os_performance_counters] where interval_minutes = 60 order by snapshot_time asc
select top 5 * from [sqlwatch_trend_perf_os_performance_counters] where interval_minutes = 5 order by snapshot_time asc
select top 5 * from [sqlwatch_trend_perf_os_performance_counters] where interval_minutes = 1 order by snapshot_time asc
by the way, the "valid_until" column is no longer required.