safe-chat-slack-bot icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
safe-chat-slack-bot copied to clipboard

SafeChat Slack Bot is an open-source project designed to enhance data security within Slack workspaces.

SafeChat Slack Bot codecov

Readme em Português - PTBR.

SafeChat Slack Bot is an open-source project designed to enhance data security within Slack workspaces. The bot's primary objective is to provide real-time alerts to users when sensitive information such as CPF (Brazilian taxpayer registry identification), email addresses, and other personally identifiable information (PII) are shared within Slack channels. SafeChat Slack Bot identifies and notifies users about potential data breaches, promoting a safer and more secure communication environment within Slack.

How SafeChat works

The SafeChat must be a member to receive messages from a channel or dm.

Portuguese version (pt-br)

Bot working pt-br

English version

Bot working en

Installing on workspace

Create a Slack App using manifest.json file

  1. Open and choose "From an app manifest"
  2. Choose the workspace you want to install the application to
  3. Copy the contents of manifest.json into the text box that says Paste your manifest code here (within the JSON tab) and click Next
  4. Review the configuration and click Create
  5. Click Install to Workspace and Allow on the screen that follows. You'll then be redirected to the App Configuration dashboard.


Before you can run the app, you'll need to store some environment variables.

  1. Open your apps configuration page from this list, click OAuth & Permissions in the left hand menu, then copy the Bot User OAuth Token. You will store this in your environment as SLACK_BOT_TOKEN.
  2. Click *Basic Information from the left hand menu and follow the steps in the App-Level Tokens section to create an app-level token with the connections:write scope. Copy this token. You will store this in your environment as SLACK_APP_TOKEN.

Technology and Resources

Please pay attention on pre-requisites resources that you must install/configure.

How to install, run and test

Environment variables

Variable Description Available Values Default Value Required
ENV The application enviroment dev / test / qa / prod dev Yes
PYTHONPATH Provides guidance to the Python interpreter about where to find libraries and applications ref . Yes
LANGUAGE The bot language en / pt_BR pt_BR Yes
SLACK_BOT_TOKEN The slack bot token a valid token - Yes
SLACK_APP_TOKEN The slack app token a valid token - Yes

Note: When you run the install command (using docker or locally), a .env file will be created automatically based on env.template

Command Docker Locally Description
install make docker/install make local/install to install
tests make docker/tests make local/tests to run the tests with coverage
lint make docker/lint make local/lint to run static code analysis using ruff
lint/fix make docker/lint/fix make local/lint/fix to fix files using ruff
run make docker/run make local/run to run the project
build image make docker/image/build - to build the docker image
push image make docker/image/push - to push the docker image

Helpful commands

Please, check all available commands in the Makefile for more information.

Multi Language

The Bot supports multiple languages using i18n pattern.

Locale file structure:

├─ src
│  ├─ locales
│  │  └─ en
│  │      └─ LC_MESSAGES
│  │          └─ base.po
│  │  └─ pt_BR
│  │      └─ LC_MESSAGES
│  │          └─ base.po

How to add a new language

  1. Create a new folder in src/locales with the new language;
  2. Create a new base.po file inside this folder (you just can copy from another language);
  3. Translate all the messages;
  4. Generate the mo files using the command make generate-mo-files;
  5. Include the command to generate po file on Dockerfile.


This project uses a simple way to configure the log with logging.conf to show the logs on the container output console.


This project uses a simple way to manage the settings with settings.conf and ConfigParser using a config class.