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Mongoose plugin to generate incremented field


Mongoose plugin to generate incremented field


Install via npm:

$ npm install mongoose-increment



  • type {Type} field type (optional, default value is Number)
  • modelName {String} mongoose model name
  • fieldName {String} mongoose increment field name
  • start {Integer} start number for counter (optional, default 1)
  • increment {Integer} number to increment counter (optional, default 1)
  • prefix {String/Function} counter prefix (optional, default value is an empty String)
  • suffix {String/Function} counter suffix (optional, default value is an empty String)
  • unique {Boolean} unique field (optional, default true)
  • resetAfter {Integer} reset counter (optional, default 0)
  • hasVersion {Boolean} has version (optional, default false)
  • startVersion {Integer} start number for version (optional, default 1)
  • delimiterVersion {String} delimiter for version counter (optional, default -)



Return a fulfilled promise when increment field has been setted


Return an object which contain instance prefix, suffix and counter.

instance.nextVersion() is hasVersion is true

Set the next version from the current document version.



Return a fulfilled promise when sequence has been reset


default option

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var mongooseIncrement = require('mongoose-increment');
var increment = mongooseIncrement(mongoose);

var TestSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  label: {
    type: String,
    required: true,

TestSchema.plugin(increment, {
  modelName: 'Test_increment',
  fieldName: 'increment_field',

var TestIncrement = mongoose.model('Test_increment', TestSchema);

var doc = new TestIncrement({ label: 'label_1' });; // doc saved with `increment_field` === 1

type option

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var mongooseIncrement = require('mongoose-increment');
var increment = mongooseIncrement(mongoose);

var TestSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  label: {
    type: String,
    required: true,

TestSchema.plugin(increment, {
  type: String,
  modelName: 'Test_increment',
  fieldName: 'increment_field',

var TestIncrement = mongoose.model('Test_increment', TestSchema);

var doc = new TestIncrement({ label: 'label_1' });; // doc saved with `increment_field` === '1'

start and increment set

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var mongooseIncrement = require('mongoose-increment');
var increment = mongooseIncrement(mongoose);

var TestSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  label: {
    type: String,
    required: true,

TestSchema.plugin(increment, {
  modelName: 'Test_increment',
  fieldName: 'increment_field',
  start: 300,
  increment: 3,

var TestIncrement = mongoose.model('Test_increment', TestSchema);

var doc1 = new TestIncrement({ label: 'label_1' });; // doc saved with `increment_field` === 300
doc1.parseSequence(); // => { prefix: '', counter: 300, suffix: '' }

var doc2 = new TestIncrement({ label: 'label_2' });
doc2.nextSequence(); // `increment_field` === 303
doc1.parseSequence(); // => { prefix: '', counter: 303, suffix: '' }

resetAfter and unique options

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var mongooseIncrement = require('mongoose-increment');
var increment = mongooseIncrement(mongoose);

var TestSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  label: {
    type: String,
    required: true,

TestSchema.plugin(increment, {
  modelName: 'Test_increment',
  fieldName: 'increment_field',
  unique: false,
  resetAfter: 2,

var TestIncrement = mongoose.model('Test_increment', TestSchema);

var doc1 = new TestIncrement({ label: 'label_1' });; // doc1 saved with `increment_field` === 1

var doc2 = new TestIncrement({ label: 'label_2' });; // doc2 saved with `increment_field` === 2

var doc3 = new TestIncrement({ label: 'label_3' });; // doc3 saved with `increment_field` === 1

prefix and suffix set

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var mongooseIncrement = require('mongoose-increment');
var increment = mongooseIncrement(mongoose);

var TestSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  label: {
    type: String,
    required: true,
  flag: {
    type: Boolean,
    required: true,

TestSchema.plugin(increment, {
  type: String,
  modelName: 'Test_increment',
  fieldName: 'increment_field',
  prefix: 'P',
  suffix: (doc) => {
    return doc.flag ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';

var TestIncrement = mongoose.model('Test_increment', TestSchema);

var doc1 = new TestIncrement({ label: 'label_1', flag: true });; // doc saved with `increment_field` === 'P1TRUE'
doc1.parseSequence(); // => { prefix: 'P', counter: '1', suffix: 'TRUE' }


var doc2 = new TestIncrement({ label: 'label_1', flag: false });; // doc saved with `increment_field` === 'P1FALSE'
doc2.parseSequence(); // => { prefix: 'P', counter: '1', suffix: 'FALSE' }

hasVersion true

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var mongooseIncrement = require('mongoose-increment');
var increment = mongooseIncrement(mongoose);

var TestSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  label: {
    type: String,
    required: true,

TestSchema.plugin(increment, {
  modelName: 'Test_increment',
  fieldName: 'increment_field',
  hasVersion: true,
  startVersion: 0,

var TestIncrement = mongoose.model('Test_increment', TestSchema);

var doc = new TestIncrement({ label: 'label_1' });; // doc saved with `increment_field` === 1-0-


Inspired by mongoose-auto-increment


This project is a work in progress and subject to API changes, please feel free to contribute