lesscss-java copied to clipboard
bug fix with absolute uri IMPORT
exemple : @import "/bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less";
if the source file is not present into root directory.
the compilation fail :
[ERROR] D:\dev\billetel\IRIS_14.03\modules\lotus\src\main\webapp\bordel\less\sty
les.less [0:0]: Error compiling LESS source
java.io.FileNotFoundException: File D:\dev\billetel\IRIS_14.03\modules\lotus\src
\main\webapp\bordel\less\bootstrap\less\bootstrap.less not found.
at org.lesscss.LessSource.
the file "bootstrap.less" is not in "D:\dev\billetel\IRIS_14.03\modules\lotus\src \main\webapp\bordel\less\bootstrap\less\bootstrap.less" but into D:\dev\billetel\IRIS_14.03\modules\lotus\src \main\webapp\bordel\bootstrap\less\bootstrap.less"
Thanks for the contribution @marcosemiao !
Hello, with many recurisve absolute path with import, there are bug, i fix it ;) Envoy ;)
Thanks for the good testing!
You delivered two versions from my pull request since then April on the central maven repository, and
Now I stand the 1.3.3 version with my patch on my project. Do you take my pull request for the next version ?
Thanks ;)