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Flea market for million dollar ideas

Flea market for million dollar ideas

Paul Graham wrote in the post Ideas for Startups:

Actually, startup ideas are not million dollar ideas, and here's an experiment you can try to prove it: just try to sell one. Nothing evolves faster than markets. The fact that there's no market for startup ideas suggests there's no demand. Which means, in the narrow sense of the word, that startup ideas are worthless.

I believe that a collective effort could prove Paul Graham wrong to some extent. Attributing a money valuation to an idea sounds silly until you back that valuation with some real unbiased demand. Why don't we fix this problem by using a platform to share ideas and get feedback? In a way, that's even better than money because money doesn't become important until you go through some initial product/market validation or ideation phase.

I propose a flea market of ideas: a place where you can share ideas, get unbiased feedback, see cool projects coming to life or contributing to an idea without paying the heavy price of spending your precious time finding people. Why not use a github repository?

So whether you are someone:

  • Looking for some unbiased feedback;
  • Looking for a team member;
  • Looking for that smile of finding someone who had a similar idea than you;
  • Ready to be mind-blown by the ideas of others;
  • Willing to react or give feedback;
  • In desperate need of something and no time to make it;
  • In desperate need of something and shy to share it;

Create an issue with your idea or take a look and react to issues of this project! Bottom line: your +1 or -1 could make a big difference to someone else, specially if you provide some feedback!

I created two simple templates for issues, one basic and another one more advanced based on this blog post. Still, if you find that they are not suitable, just create a regular issue with your format - share as much as you are willing to and comfortable with!

Clearly, the only way this can work is if everyone gets onboard - please contribute!