angular-drag-and-drop-lists icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
angular-drag-and-drop-lists copied to clipboard

Drag and drop lists for Ipad and mobile devices

Open jeevajsb opened this issue 9 years ago • 10 comments

Drag and drop is not working in the ipad and Mobile devices. What should I do to make it work?

jeevajsb avatar Mar 23 '15 11:03 jeevajsb

The HTML5 drag and drop API, which this module is based on, is unfortunately not supported by mobile browsers. You might want to try this iOS shim. Please report back if you do and let us know whether it works.

cmlenz avatar Mar 26 '15 08:03 cmlenz

hI, I have implement that iOS shim in my project and confirm it does in fact work. Not fully tested but so far so good.

mewis avatar Apr 22 '15 12:04 mewis

I'm trying the shim out now and finding that it's making duplicates. mewis did you find some proper usage for the shim to get that sorted?

ragefuljoe avatar May 14 '15 17:05 ragefuljoe

Getting the same issue with this shim, I think we might have to move this to the iOS shim repo.

mikehuebner avatar Jul 08 '15 03:07 mikehuebner

+1 Doesn't work with mobile devices.

Webbrother avatar Dec 03 '15 12:12 Webbrother

This workaround works, the only issue I see is its missing the dragover styles to show the drop targets.

Deklin avatar Mar 30 '16 14:03 Deklin

On Android, I had issues with duplication when moving with the iOS shim (even after enabling the dragenter/leave events as specified in its docs).

I tried the dragdroptouch shim instead and it's now working as expected!

woodcoder avatar May 15 '16 19:05 woodcoder

@woodcoder ~~Did you just include the js file? Or did you do something else to get the dragdroptouch shim to work? I've included it, but I don't get it to work :/~~

Crappy caching... :dizzy_face:

But another thing, the dnd-nodrag directive seams to semi ignored, i still get an indication that I can drag items wrapped in , but no action happens. (the dndPlaceholder does not show when dragging it either. However, when drag by the dnd-handle element, everything works as normal.

Gotta test this on more devices, on my phone I have to enable "Request desktop site" to get dragging enabled.

ruant avatar May 27 '16 08:05 ruant

+1 for the dragdroptouch shim. I haven't done much testing though but it's working whereas the iOS shim didn't.

davidp1978 avatar Sep 08 '17 05:09 davidp1978

another +1 for dragdroptouch, literally didn't have to do anything other than drop in the js file and it appears to work on physical android and iOS (albeit, only a few minutes of testing with each, but now I can say it works on my machine™). Thanks for find @woodcoder and verifying @davidp1978

general-adhoc avatar Apr 17 '18 21:04 general-adhoc