HTML5-canvas-breakout-game copied to clipboard
== HTML5 canvas breakout
This is a rails app just to take advantage of as a host. The game is in /public.
== Wants to make a level ?
pull the repo on your machine
create a .js file "levelA.js"
include it in index.html
inside your .js file :
function levelA() { level_x(A, draw_levelA); } function draw_levelA() { // Override initial ball / paddle caracteristics (OPTIONAL) paddlex=(WIDTH/2) - (75/2); paddleh=10; paddlew=75; balls_lost = [false]; x = [400]; y = [550]; r = [DEFAULT_BALL_RAYON]; dx = [1]; dy = [2.3]; // Destroyable bricks briques_x=[0, 0, 0, 0]; briques_y=[20, 320, 300, 0]; briques_h= [270, 210, 10, 10]; briques_w=[800, 800, 800, 800]; briques_colors=[std_brique_color, std_brique_color, std_brique_color, std_brique_color]; briques_destroyed=[false, false, false, false]; // Indestructible bricks unb_briques_x=[0, 0, 0, 0]; unb_briques_y=[310, 10, 290, 530]; for(i=0;i<unb_briques_x.length;i++) { unb_briques_w[i]=800; unb_briques_h[i]=std_brique_h; switch(i) { case 0: unb_briques_lives[i]=10; break; case 1: unb_briques_lives[i]=20; break; case 3: unb_briques_lives[i]=1; break; default: unb_briques_lives[i]=DEFAULT_NB_LIVES; break; } unb_briques_colors[i]=DEFAULT_UNBREAKABLE_COLOR; unb_briques_last_impact_ts[i]=(new Date()).getTime(); } // Bonuses bonuses_x=[60, 180, 300, 420, 540, 660]; for(i=0;i<bonuses_x.length;i++) { bonuses_x[i]=bonuses_x[i]+40; bonuses_used[i]=false; bonuses_y[i]=60; bonuses_type[i]=FONTAIN_OF_BALL; bonuses_finished[i]=false; } // Background images images_full_path=["stuck.png"]; images_x=[500]; images_y=[40]; images_loaded=[false]; }
- push your changes
- I'll take a look and include it
It may evolve in the future so it's easier.