Marc Baechinger

Results 231 comments of Marc Baechinger

Thanks for reporting! As you discovered this is a known issue. The time isn't spend with networking I think but with bundling/unbundling the `MediaItems` when they are sent over the...

Yeah, you are right. I played around with such use cases some more yesterday and can confirm your findings. My comment above was more about the addition of 500 media...

Thanks for reporting! I think this is because the `PlaybackService` of the session demo advertises `COMMAND_CODE_LIBRARY_SUBSCRIBE` but actually doesn't override `MediaLibrarySessionCallback.subscribe()`. We already have implemented `subscribe` in the meanwhile and...

Thanks for checking and the feedback. I think there are two issues. The first is the crash at connection time that you report and the second is that browsing the...

Seems to be a problem with the chipset on these devices as you report. I'm not sure how much I can help with such an issue. I'm trying to repro...

Hmmm, I'm not able to reproduce this. I'm having a Pixel 5 and flushed with several OS versions like T and Android 12 as reported above. The movie is running...

Thanks for the detailed report. You are mentioning issue #45 that has some comments explaining the design decision of taking the service off the foreground when the player is paused...

Thanks for reporting! Can you provide us with a bug report or a stack trace so we can triage this issue?

Can you please make the app crash with the steps you listed above and then just after the crash do a ``` adb bugreport ``` ? Then upload the file...

Can you shed some light on what you are doing when this happens? How many media items are you setting? What properties of the media items/metadata do you set?