
Results 25 comments of marcanw

Same issue on my side with chrome. `jquery.justifiedGallery.min.js:formatted:133 Uncaught TypeError: this.resetImgSrc is not a function`

Hello I have the same issue and I'd like to use this rc8 version in a pure js project asap. How can I make it? Thank you for your help

Hi @ajwfrost, Any schedule on the next release (I'm on Windows).

I was looking for a solution on the new orientation issue with iOS16.

Hence my question for Windows. If I could have a timing, it would help me for my release plan.

I am experiencing the same issue on Android when using JavaScript getUserMedia inside a StageWebView. It's really frustrating because I lost an important project due to this limitation. @ajwfrost Do...

Just for info, I tried to make a test build on Windows but I get this message during the device install: ![image](

@ajwfrost, thank you for your help. Here is the result of the "_find . -type d -name "*.framework" -exec codesign -v -vvv {} \;_". `marcwouters@Marcs-Mac-mini payload % find . -type...

Here is the result: `marcwouters@Marcs-Mac-mini payload % codesign -d -vvv /Users/marcwouters/eventpic/unzip/Payload/ Executable=/Users/marcwouters/eventpic/unzip/Payload/ Identifier=com.facebook.sdk.FBSDKCoreKit Format=bundle with Mach-O thin (arm64) CodeDirectory v=20400 size=28481 flags=0x0(none) hashes=883+3 location=embedded Hash type=sha256 size=32 CandidateCDHash sha1=7807fa7bad4becb590ff9c7a3dce1b02beb9eea5 CandidateCDHashFull...

> can you unzip the .ane file to check they're not actually in there already? I can see those in `META-INF/ANE/iPhone-ARM/FBSDKCoreKit.framework/FacebookSDKStrings.bundle/Resources/` Here is the link to the beta: Micheal...