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PowerShell module for automating Zabbix administration
What is PSZabbix
A powershell module for automating Zabbix administration.
This module aims at making it easy to automate the creation of standard objects inside Zabbix. That way, Zabbix can be included inside fully automated workflows like server provisioning. It may for example be used inside a script task of SCVMM to reference a new VM inside Zabbix after creation, or to add a newly created user (by your preferred provisioning tool) to a set of user groups.
The objects which can be managed are only the basic objects: hosts, host groups, users, user groups, templates and a few others. The module does not expose the full Zabbix API. We actually expect administrators to use the Zabbix UI to do complex operations like adding monitored items to hosts or templates (moreover, these operations being rare, there is little value in automating them).
This module is tested on Zabbix 2.4 and later, 3.2 and later. It should also work and other versions but without any guarantee.
The module is published on the PowerShell gallery, so download and installation is simply (powershell 5+):
PS> Install-Module PSZabbix -scope CurrentUser
If using an older version of PowerShell, you must download the release from the releases page, unzip it and put the PSZabbix folder inside MyDocuments/WindowsPowerShell/Modules or any other folder in the module search path.
All cmdlets have a "get-help" documentation. Here are the basics:
# Import the module (if old powershell version)
PS> Import-Module PSZabbix
# You must first create a session against a Zabbix server - only needed once per work session.
PS> $s = New-ZbxApiSession "http://myserver/zabbix/api_jsonrpc.php" (Get-Credential MyAdminLogin)
# Then call any cmdlet
PS> Get-ZbxHost
hostid host name status
------ ---- ---- ------
10084 Zabbix server Zabbix server Enabled
10105 Agent Mongo 1 Agent Mongo 1 Enabled
# List of cmdlets (the Zbx prefix can be changed on import if needed):
PS> Get-Command -Module PSZabbix
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Function Add-ZbxHostGroupMembership 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function Add-ZbxUserGroupMembership 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function Add-ZbxUserGroupPermission 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function Add-ZbxUserMail 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function Disable-ZbxHost 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function Disable-ZbxUserGroup 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function Enable-ZbxHost 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function Enable-ZbxUserGroup 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function Get-ZbxAction 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function Get-ZbxHost 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function Get-ZbxHostGroup 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function Get-ZbxMedia 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function Get-ZbxMediaType 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function Get-ZbxProxy 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function Get-ZbxTemplate 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function Get-ZbxUser 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function Get-ZbxUserGroup 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function New-ZbxApiSession 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function New-ZbxHost 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function New-ZbxHostGroup 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function New-ZbxUser 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function New-ZbxUserGroup 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function Remove-ZbxHost 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function Remove-ZbxHostGroup 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function Remove-ZbxHostGroupMembership 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function Remove-ZbxMedia 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function Remove-ZbxTemplate 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function Remove-ZbxUser 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function Remove-ZbxUserGroup 1.0.0 PSZabbix
Function Remove-ZbxUserGroupMembership 1.0.0 PSZabbix
The module is tested with Pester. If you want to run the tests you will have to modify the login chain inside the test file and have a working Zabbix server to test against.