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A fork of Elixir's code formatter, with added freedom.

🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Freedom Formatter 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

A fork of Elixir's code formatter, with added freedom. Build Status Version

Freedom Formatter is a formatter plugin for Elixir files (.ex and .exs). It supports all features of the standard code formatter (forked from Elixir 1.14.0), as well as additional features.

Added Features

  • :trailing_comma - if set true, multi-line list, map, and struct literals will include a trailing comma after the last item or pair in the data structure. Does not affect argument lists nor tuples. Does not affect lists/maps/structs rendered on a single line either.
# trailing_comma: false
example = %{
  foo: 42,
  bar: 44
# trailing_comma: true
example = %{
  foo: 42,
  bar: 44,
  • :local_pipe_with_parens - if set to true, will force pipes to local functions and no argument to have parenthesis. Default elixir formatter will accept pipes both with and without parenthesis:
# local_pipe_with_parens: false
[:only, :an, :example]
|> hd()
|> to_string

# local_pipe_with_parens: true
[:only, :an, :example]
|> hd()
|> to_string()

Note that this option results in code that technically is not identical (it has a different AST). While Elixir will interpret a |> b and a |> b() the same way, it is theoretically possible to write a macro that would handle a |> b differently from a |> b(). We know of no library that does that. This option will also prevent writing your own defmacro foo |> bar do; we know of no library that does this either (except Elixir itself). If you know of any such examples, please open an issue to let us know.

  • :single_clause_on_do - if set to true, will format case with single pattern with the pattern inline, like:
# single_clause_on_do: false
case expr do
  pattern -> body

# single_clause_on_do: true
case expr do pattern ->


Install by adding the package to your mix.exs

{:freedom_formatter, ">= 2.0.0", only: :dev}

Specify this package as a plugin for the formatter in .formatter.exs:

# .formatter.exs
  inputs: [
    # ...
  plugins: [
    # ...
    # Add this:

  # Additional options are now supported:
  trailing_comma: true,
  local_pipe_with_parens: true,

An elixir bug (fixed but not released yet) currently requires the app FreedomFormatter to be compiled first before attempting to format.

# Do this:
mix deps.get
mix compile
# Before you do that:
mix format


Elixir's code formatter does not intend to support trailing commas, or indeed any additional settings. See Elixir issues #7689 and #6646 for more information.

Project Goals

  • To provide a compatible alternative to the Elixir formatter, available separately from the core Elixir distribution
  • To allow developers and teams to benefit from standardized code formatting while retaining a style they find more productive
  • To be a testbed for new formatting features and options, maintaining the easiest possible path to possible inclusion in core Elixir.

Authorship and License

Freedom Formatter is released under the same license as Elixir itself, the Apache License Version 2.0, included here as the file LICENSE.

Freedom Formatter is based upon the Elixir code formatter, whose implementation and tests are included in this project. The core Elixir formatter was written by José Valim, with contributions from Andrea Leopardi and others.

Authored by Pete Gamache. Maintance by Marc-André Lafortune.


  • This project uses semantic versioning.
  • This project gets a new branch for each new minor version of elixir (unless no change was made to the formatter).
  • Each new branch has its history completely rewritten.


v2.1.0: Adds local_pipe_with_parens option. Requires Elixir 1.14.0+

v2.0.0: Now a formatter plugin; as such it requires Elixir 1.13.2+