Marco Pasqualetti
Marco Pasqualetti
Maybe are you sending multiple call at once with the same `callbackName`? ```javascript superagent.get('exampleURL') .use(superagentJSONP({ callbackParam: 'jsonp', callbackName: 'myCallbackName', timeout: 10000 })) .end(function(err, res){, res) }); superagent.get('exampleURL') .use(superagentJSONP({ callbackParam:...
Actually this is more an issue of `i18next`. I think that the problem is that `test` key uses an `_` which is the default `contextSeparator` / `pluralSeparator`. The key generation...
`t.d.ts` dedupe moved into a separate issue (#2148)
@escapedcat in order to avoid conflicts with ESM migration I'll wait merge of #3850 before working on a proposal. Also, if agree and there is a spot available, I would...
Honestly I have no idea on how to fix this 😢. If anyone has any idea on how to do this feel free to open a PR. As a workaround...
Gotcha, so it's related, if not the same, issue of the string union. If anyone wants to tackle feel free to open a PR.
Thanks for spend your time taking a look at this @stefan-schweiger! 🥂 ---- > Not sure if this maybe breaks something else Open a PR to see if your patch...
I tried this locally and it's working: ---- I also setup a simple GitHub Action and I'm unable to reproduce the issue:
> have you tried giving it an input that does conform to the format? It works: ---- In your package.json you are using v18 packages while on your...