Marco Walz
Marco Walz
cool to see this being tackled, thanks for the PR @zxq9! 😎 in case some other real examples are needed: - - - - -
@zxq9 the syntax highlighting grammar is about to be updated to the latest state 😃 see
I think the react application is now working with latest SDK release where the circular dependency was removed. tested today. I talked to @ifaouibadi to revisit this and provide...
@ifaouibadi is this a blocker / problem for the boilerplate right now?
I second that we need this. I also think this is closely related to the recent discussion in #1286 where I also mentioned that we need the ability to estimate...
@davidyuk according to our latest discussions the SDK should be able to handle this, right? or is this still open? I think @benhus asked for that recently after request from...
it is also slightly related to #1609 which we definitely should provide a guide for in the docs
actually I would still like to see that happening. unfortunately this is currently not doable if we want to have devmode enabled, see
for plain contract testing it's not needed. if we aim to provide a bundle to run a local explorer during development it would be good to have it. currently not...
related to #423 now again, right? 😅