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HiCanu failing for real world HiFi data

Open Oieswarya opened this issue 8 months ago • 3 comments

I am trying to use HiCanu on some real world HiFi data that I downloaded from NCBI but for both the datasets it is not giving me any output. I have already used HiCanu for my simulated data (all with 10x coverage).

This is the command I used for running the real world data: ~/bin/canu -assemble -p Nibea -d /home/CanuOutputs/Nibea/ genomeSize=615m -pacbio-hifi /home/SRAFiles/NibeaCoibor.fa

This is my job.e log file:

canu 2.2


Detected Java(TM) Runtime Environment '1.8.0_272' (from 'java') with -d64 support.
 Detected gnuplot version '4.2 patchlevel 6 ' (from 'gnuplot') and image format 'png'.

 Detected 1 CPUs and 252 gigabytes of memory on the local machine.

 Detected PBS/Torque '5.1.3' with 'pbsnodes' binary in /usr/bin/pbsnodes.
 Detecting PBS/Torque resources.

 PBS/Torque support detected.  Resources available:
     1 host  with  64 cores and  252 GB memory.
     1 host  with  72 cores and  252 GB memory.
     6 hosts with  64 cores and  126 GB memory.
    1 host  with  24 cores and  252 GB memory.
    6 hosts with  72 cores and  125 GB memory.
     2 hosts with  40 cores and  252 GB memory.

               (tag)Memory         |
       (tag)             |         |  algorithm
       -------  ----------  --------  -----------------------------
 Grid:  meryl     13.000 GB    8 CPUs  (k-mer counting)
 Grid:  hap       12.000 GB    8 CPUs  (read-to-haplotype assignment)
Grid:  cormhap   20.000 GB   12 CPUs  (overlap detection with mhap)
Grid:  obtovl    16.000 GB   12 CPUs  (overlap detection)
Grid:  utgovl    16.000 GB   12 CPUs  (overlap detection)
Grid:  cor        -.--- GB    4 CPUs  (read correction)
Grid:  ovb        4.000 GB    1 CPU   (overlap store bucketizer)
Grid:  ovs       16.000 GB    1 CPU   (overlap store sorting)
Grid:  red       17.000 GB    8 CPUs  (read error detection)
Grid:  oea        8.000 GB    1 CPU   (overlap error adjustment)
Grid:  bat      252.000 GB   16 CPUs  (contig construction with bogart)
Grid:  cns        -.--- GB    8 CPUs  (consensus)

 Found trimmed raw PacBio HiFi reads in the input files.

Generating assembly 'Nibea' in '/home/CanuOutputs/Nibea':

  Overlap Generation Limits:
    corOvlErrorRate 0.0000 (  0.00%)
    obtOvlErrorRate 0.0250 (  2.50%)
    utgOvlErrorRate 0.0100 (  1.00%)

   Overlap Processing Limits:
     corErrorRate    0.0000 (  0.00%)
     obtErrorRate    0.0250 (  2.50%)
     utgErrorRate    0.0003 (  0.03%)
     cnsErrorRate    0.0500 (  5.00%)

   Stages to run:
   assemble HiFi reads.

 Correction skipped; not enabled.

 Trimming skipped; not enabled.


Starting command on Fri Jun 21 13:14:39 2024 with 45186.208 GB free disk space

    cd .
    ./ \
    > ./Nibea.seqStore.err 2>&1

Finished on Fri Jun 21 13:21:09 2024 (390 seconds) with 45180.14 GB free disk space

In sequence store './Nibea.seqStore':
 Found 1919461 reads.
 Found 29259679568 bases (47.57 times coverage).
    Histogram of corrected reads:
  G=29259679568                      sum of  ||               length     num
   NG         length     index       lengths  ||                range    seqs

    00010        19729    137059   2925977360  ||       9956-10551       12111|-----
    00020        18158    292134   5851941183  ||      10552-11147       24390|---------
    00030        17056    458593   8777910356  ||      11148-11743       71448|-------------------------
    00040        16148    634993  11703878635  ||      11744-12339      137671|------------------------------------------------
    00050        15335    820976  14629854418  ||      12340-12935      178710|---------------------------------------------------------------
    00060        14576   1016711  17555807793  ||      12936-13531      181045|---------------------------------------------------------------
    00070        13842   1222700  20481784186  ||      13532-14127      173229|-------------------------------------------------------------
    00080        13115   1439830  23407745673  ||      14128-14723      163730|---------------------------------------------------------
    00090        12355   1669496  26333723186  ||      14724-15319      152301|-----------------------------------------------------
    00100         9956   1919460  29259679568  ||      15320-15915      139169|-------------------------------------------------
    001.000x             1919461  29259679568  ||      15916-16511      125638|--------------------------------------------
                                               ||      16512-17107      110391|---------------------------------------
                                              ||      17108-17703       95375|----------------------------------
                                               ||      17704-18299       79796|----------------------------
                                               ||      18300-18895       66488|------------------------
                                              ||      18896-19491       52927|-------------------
                                              ||      19492-20087       41922|---------------
                                              ||      20088-20683       32421|------------
                                               ||      20684-21279       24621|---------
                                               ||      21280-21875       18105|-------
                                               ||      21876-22471       12807|-----
                                               ||      22472-23067        8902|----
                                               ||      23068-23663        6108|---
                                               ||      23664-24259        3847|--
                                               ||      24260-24855        2393|-
                                              ||      24856-25451        1504|-
                                               ||      25452-26047         930|-
                                               ||      26048-26643         536|-
                                               ||      26644-27239         313|-
                                               ||      27240-27835         208|-
                                              ||      27836-28431         118|-
                                               ||      28432-29027          66|-
                                               ||      29028-29623          51|-
                                             ||      29624-30219          33|-
                                              ||      30220-30815          29|-
                                               ||      30816-31411          25|-
                                               ||      31412-32007          25|-
                                               ||      32008-32603          12|-
                                               ||      32604-33199          24|-
                                               ||      33200-33795           7|-
                                              ||      33796-34391           8|-
                                               ||      34392-34987           2|-
                                               ||      34988-35583           6|-
                                               ||      35584-36179           9|-
                                               ||      36180-36775           1|-
                                              ||      36776-37371           2|-
                                               ||      37372-37967           1|-
                                              ||      37968-38563           4|-
                                               ||      38564-39159           0|
                                               ||      39160-39755           2|-

 In sequence store './Nibea.seqStore':
   Found 1919461 reads.
   Found 29259679568 bases (47.57 times coverage).
    Histogram of corrected-trimmed reads:
        G=29259679568                      sum of  ||               length     num
    NG         length     index       lengths  ||                range    seqs

    00010        19729    137059   2925977360  ||       9956-10551       12111|-----
    00020        18158    292134   5851941183  ||      10552-11147       24390|---------
    00030        17056    458593   8777910356  ||      11148-11743       71448|-------------------------
    00040        16148    634993  11703878635  ||      11744-12339      137671|------------------------------------------------
    00050        15335    820976  14629854418  ||      12340-12935      178710|---------------------------------------------------------------
    00060        14576   1016711  17555807793  ||      12936-13531      181045|---------------------------------------------------------------
    00070        13842   1222700  20481784186  ||      13532-14127      173229|-------------------------------------------------------------
    00080        13115   1439830  23407745673  ||      14128-14723      163730|---------------------------------------------------------
    00090        12355   1669496  26333723186  ||      14724-15319      152301|-----------------------------------------------------
    00100         9956   1919460  29259679568  ||      15320-15915      139169|-------------------------------------------------
    001.000x             1919461  29259679568  ||      15916-16511      125638|--------------------------------------------
                                               ||      16512-17107      110391|---------------------------------------
                                               ||      17108-17703       95375|----------------------------------
                                               ||      17704-18299       79796|----------------------------
                                               ||      18300-18895       66488|------------------------
                                               ||      18896-19491       52927|-------------------
                                               ||      19492-20087       41922|---------------
                                               ||      20088-20683       32421|------------
                                               ||      20684-21279       24621|---------
                                               ||      21280-21875       18105|-------
                                               ||      21876-22471       12807|-----
                                               ||      22472-23067        8902|----
                                               ||      23068-23663        6108|---
                                               ||      23664-24259        3847|--
                                               ||      24260-24855        2393|-
                                              ||      24856-25451        1504|-
                                               ||      25452-26047         930|-
                                              ||      26048-26643         536|-
                                               ||      26644-27239         313|-
                                               ||      27240-27835         208|-
                                               ||      27836-28431         118|-
                                               ||      28432-29027          66|-
                                               ||      29028-29623          51|-
                                               ||      29624-30219          33|-
                                               ||      30220-30815          29|-
                                               ||      30816-31411          25|-
                                               ||      31412-32007          25|-
                                               ||      32008-32603          12|-
                                               ||      32604-33199          24|-
                                               ||      33200-33795           7|-
                                              ||      33796-34391           8|-
                                               ||      34392-34987           2|-
                                               ||      34988-35583           6|-
                                               ||      35584-36179           9|-
                                              ||      36180-36775           1|-
                                               ||      36776-37371           2|-
                                               ||      37372-37967           1|-
                                               ||      37968-38563           4|-
                                               ||      38564-39159           0|
                                               ||      39160-39755           2|-
 Starting command on Fri Jun 21 13:21:25 2024 with 45179.015 GB free disk space

    cd unitigging/0-mercounts
    ./ \
    > ./meryl-configure.err 2>&1

Finished on Fri Jun 21 13:21:27 2024 (2 seconds) with 45179.015 GB free disk space

  segments   memory batches

        01 11.97 GB       7
        02 11.97 GB       4
        04  8.91 GB       3
        06 11.97 GB       2
        08  8.91 GB       2
        12  6.37 GB       2
        16  4.81 GB       2
        20  4.04 GB       2
        24  3.36 GB       2
        32  2.47 GB       2
        40  2.14 GB       2
        48  1.78 GB       2
        56  1.53 GB       2
        64  1.34 GB       2
        96  0.90 GB       2

  For 1919461 reads with 29259679568 bases, limit to 292 batches.
  Will count kmers using 06 jobs, each using 13 GB and 8 threads.

 Finished stage 'merylConfigure', reset canuIteration.

 Running jobs.  First attempt out of 2.

 '' -> job 1663532[].mgt2-ib.local tasks 1-6.

 Starting command on Fri Jun 21 13:21:27 2024 with 45179.015 GB free disk space

    cd /home/obhowmik/CanuOutputs/All_LR_Together/Nibea
    qsub \
      -j oe \
      -d `pwd` \
      -W depend=afteranyarray:1663532[].mgt2-ib.local \
      -l nodes=1:ppn=1,mem=4g   \
      -N 'canu_Nibea' \
      -o canu-scripts/canu.01.out  canu-scripts/

 Finished on Fri Jun 21 13:21:27 2024 (fast as lightning) with 45179.015 GB free disk space


--This is the canuscript which I found in the canuscripts folder:

Found perl:

Found java:
   openjdk version "1.8.0_272"

Found canu:
   canu 2.2


 Detected Java(TM) Runtime Environment '1.8.0_272' (from 'java') with -d64 support.
 Detected gnuplot version '4.2 patchlevel 6 ' (from 'gnuplot') and image format 'png'.

 Detected 1 CPUs and 252 gigabytes of memory on the local machine.

 Detected PBS/Torque '5.1.3' with 'pbsnodes' binary in /usr/bin/pbsnodes.
Detecting PBS/Torque resources.
 PBS/Torque support detected.  Resources available:
      1 host  with  64 cores and  252 GB memory.
      1 host  with  72 cores and  252 GB memory.
      6 hosts with  64 cores and  126 GB memory.
      1 host  with  24 cores and  252 GB memory.
      6 hosts with  72 cores and  125 GB memory.
      2 hosts with  40 cores and  252 GB memory.

                (tag)Memory         |
        (tag)             |         |  algorithm

 Grid:  meryl     25.000 GB    8 CPUs  (k-mer counting)
 Grid:  hap       16.000 GB   16 CPUs  (read-to-haplotype assignment)
 Grid:  cormhap   20.000 GB   12 CPUs  (overlap detection with mhap)
 Grid:  obtovl    16.000 GB   12 CPUs  (overlap detection)
 Grid:  utgovl    16.000 GB   12 CPUs  (overlap detection)
 Grid:  cor        -.--- GB    4 CPUs  (read correction)
 Grid:  ovb        4.000 GB    1 CPU   (overlap store bucketizer)
 Grid:  ovs       32.000 GB    1 CPU   (overlap store sorting)
 Grid:  red       17.000 GB    8 CPUs  (read error detection)
 Grid:  oea        8.000 GB    1 CPU   (overlap error adjustment)
 Grid:  bat      252.000 GB   16 CPUs  (contig construction with bogart)
 Grid:  cns        -.--- GB    8 CPUs  (consensus)
 Found PacBio HiFi reads in 'Nibea.seqStore':
     PacBio HiFi:           1
     Corrected:             29259679568
     Corrected and Trimmed: 29259679568

 Generating assembly 'Nibea' in '/home/CanuOutputs/Caddisfly':

   Overlap Generation Limits:
     corOvlErrorRate 0.0000 (  0.00%)
     obtOvlErrorRate 0.0250 (  2.50%)
     utgOvlErrorRate 0.0100 (  1.00%)

   Overlap Processing Limits:
     corErrorRate    0.0000 (  0.00%)
    obtErrorRate    0.0250 (  2.50%)
     utgErrorRate    0.0003 (  0.03%)
     cnsErrorRate    0.0500 (  5.00%)

   Stages to run:
     assemble HiFi reads.

 Correction skipped; not enabled.
 Trimming skipped; not enabled.
 Overlap jobs failed, retry.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000005.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000006.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000007.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000008.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000009.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000010.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000011.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000012.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000013.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000014.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000015.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000016.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000017.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000018.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000019.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000020.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000021.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000022.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000023.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000024.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000025.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000026.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000027.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000028.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000029.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000030.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000031.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000032.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000033.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000034.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000035.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000036.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000037.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000038.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000039.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000040.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000041.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000042.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000043.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000044.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000045.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000046.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000047.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000049.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000051.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000052.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000053.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000055.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000056.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000057.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000058.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000059.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000060.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000061.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000062.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000063.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000064.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000065.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000066.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000067.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000068.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000069.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000070.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000071.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000072.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000073.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000074.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000075.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000076.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000077.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000078.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000079.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000080.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000081.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000082.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000083.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000084.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000085.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000086.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000087.ovb FAILED.
   job unitigging/1-overlapper/001/000088.ovb FAILED.

 Running jobs.  Second attempt out of 2.

 '' -> job 1664060[].mgt2-ib.local tasks 5-47.
 '' -> job 1664061.mgt2-ib.local task 49.
 '' -> job 1664062[].mgt2-ib.local tasks 51-53.
 '' -> job 1664063[].mgt2-ib.local tasks 55-88.

 Starting command on Mon Jun 24 14:45:17 2024 with 45138.439 GB free disk space

    cd /home/CanuOutputs/Caddisfly
    qsub \
      -j oe \
      -d `pwd` \
      -W depend=afteranyarray:1664060[].mgt2-ib.local:1664061.mgt2-ib.local:1664062[].mgt2-ib.local:1664063[].mgt2-ib.local \
      -l nodes=1:ppn=1,mem=5g   \
      -N 'canu_Nibea' \
      -o canu-scripts/canu.04.out  canu-scripts/
qsub: submit error (Invalid Job Dependency)

 Finished on Mon Jun 24 14:45:18 2024 (one second) with 45138.439 GB free  space

ERROR:  Failed with exit code 208.  (rc=53248)
 Failed to submit Canu executive.  Delay 10 seconds and try again.

 Starting command on Mon Jun 24 14:45:28 2024 with 45138.439 GB free disk space

    cd /home/CanuOutputs/Caddisfly
    qsub \
      -j oe \
      -d `pwd` \
      -W depend=afteranyarray:1664060[].mgt2-ib.local:1664061.mgt2-ib.local:1664062[].mgt2-ib.local:1664063[].mgt2-ib.local \
      -l nodes=1:ppn=1,mem=5g   \
      -N 'canu_Nibea' \
      -o canu-scripts/canu.04.out  canu-scripts/
qsub: submit error (Invalid Job Dependency)

 Finished on Mon Jun 24 14:45:29 2024 (one second) with 45138.439 GB free disk space

ERROR:  Failed with exit code 208.  (rc=53248)
 Failed to submit Canu executive.  Giving up after two tries.

Is it a memory issue or something else?

Oieswarya avatar Jun 25 '24 19:06 Oieswarya