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Option not to check for submit node when using `useGrid=remote`?
I am using the useGrid=remote
option in Canu v2.2 so that it prepares qsub
submission scripts, which I then execute manually on my local cluster. However, the intermediate steps between the parallelised parts of the pipeline are sometimes a bit computationally intensive (e.g. the seqStore building step), which, due to the configuration of my cluster (which I'm not managing myself), often results in halted jobs due to excess resource usage. In a normal scenario, I would use the useGrid=true
option, but this is not possible because my qsub
configuration prevents me from launching nested qsub jobs.
A possible workaround to this issue would be running these intermediate steps as independent qsub
jobs and keep launching the generated submission scripts manually, but this is apparently only not possible, as the following error appears when launching canu
from a compute node:
error: denied: host "XXXX" is neither submit nor admin host
Given that I'm using useGrid=remote
and are therefore not interested in using the current node as a submit node, this check seems unnecessary. Is there any way of disasbling it, or any other workaround to this issue? Thanks a lot in advance.
Find my log attached below.
Any tips will be appreciated.
### Reading options from '/nfs/users2/asebe/xgraubove/Programes/canu-2.2/bin/canu.defaults'
# Add site specific options (for setting up Grid or limiting memory/threads) here.
### Reading options from the command line.
gridEngineResourceOption=-pe smp 16 -l virtual_free=90G,h_rt=720:00:00 -q long-sl7
batOptions=-dg 3 -db 3 -dr 1 -ca 500 -cp 50