MetaCompass icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
MetaCompass copied to clipboard

snakemake: error: unrecognized arguments: -T

Open TealFurnholm opened this issue 3 years ago • 5 comments


python3 -1 test_for.fastq -2 test_rev.fastq -l 250 -o MC_assembly -m 2 -t 10 -y 100 --clobber

###OUTPUT### MetaCompass metagenome assembler version 2.0.0 by Victoria Cepeda ([email protected])

usage: snakemake [-h] [--dryrun] [--profile PROFILE] [--snakefile FILE] [--cores [N]] [--local-cores N] [--resources [NAME=INT [NAME=INT ...]]] [--config [KEY=VALUE [KEY=VALUE ...]]] [--configfile FILE] [--directory DIR] [--touch] [--keep-going] [--force] [--forceall] [--forcerun [TARGET [TARGET ...]]] [--prioritize TARGET [TARGET ...]] [--until TARGET [TARGET ...]] [--omit-from TARGET [TARGET ...]] [--rerun-incomplete] [--shadow-prefix DIR] [--report HTMLFILE] [--export-cwl FILE] [--list] [--list-target-rules] [--dag] [--rulegraph] [--d3dag] [--summary] [--detailed-summary] [--archive FILE] [--cleanup-metadata FILE [FILE ...]] [--cleanup-shadow] [--unlock] [--list-version-changes] [--list-code-changes] [--list-input-changes] [--list-params-changes] [--list-untracked] [--delete-all-output] [--delete-temp-output] [--bash-completion] [--version] [--reason] [--gui [PORT]] [--printshellcmds] [--debug-dag] [--stats FILE] [--nocolor] [--quiet] [--print-compilation] [--verbose] [--force-use-threads] [--allow-ambiguity] [--nolock] [--ignore-incomplete] [--latency-wait SECONDS] [--wait-for-files [FILE [FILE ...]]] [--notemp] [--keep-remote] [--keep-target-files] [--allowed-rules ALLOWED_RULES [ALLOWED_RULES ...]] [--max-jobs-per-second MAX_JOBS_PER_SECOND] [--max-status-checks-per-second MAX_STATUS_CHECKS_PER_SECOND] [--restart-times RESTART_TIMES] [--attempt ATTEMPT] [--wrapper-prefix WRAPPER_PREFIX] [--default-remote-provider {S3,GS,FTP,SFTP,S3Mocked,gfal,gridftp,iRODS}] [--default-remote-prefix DEFAULT_REMOTE_PREFIX] [--no-shared-fs] [--greediness GREEDINESS] [--no-hooks] [--overwrite-shellcmd OVERWRITE_SHELLCMD] [--debug] [--runtime-profile FILE] [--mode {0,1,2}] [--cluster CMD | --cluster-sync CMD | --drmaa [ARGS]] [--cluster-config FILE] [--immediate-submit] [--jobscript SCRIPT] [--jobname NAME] [--cluster-status CLUSTER_STATUS] [--drmaa-log-dir DIR] [--kubernetes [NAMESPACE]] [--kubernetes-env ENVVAR [ENVVAR ...]] [--container-image IMAGE] [--use-conda] [--list-conda-envs] [--cleanup-conda] [--conda-prefix DIR] [--create-envs-only] [--use-singularity] [--singularity-prefix DIR] [--singularity-args ARGS] [target [target ...]] snakemake: error: unrecognized arguments: -T ERROR: snakemake command failed; exiting..


$ snakemake -v 5.4.0

TealFurnholm avatar Apr 17 '21 16:04 TealFurnholm

I was having similar problems finding a compatible version of snakemake, but after some trial and error I was able to get snakemake v5.2.0 to work with

gavinmdouglas avatar May 19 '21 12:05 gavinmdouglas

Please make sure you have the required software versions.

vcepeda avatar May 19 '21 17:05 vcepeda

I ran into the same problem. Commenting out

if not notimestamps:
    cmd += " -T"

in solved it for me.

MMAThijssen avatar Feb 09 '22 13:02 MMAThijssen

I ran into the same problem. Commenting out

if not notimestamps:
    cmd += " -T"

in solved it for me.

@MMAThijssen Could you give me more details how to do it, please?

esraagithub avatar Apr 03 '22 08:04 esraagithub

I decided not to use MetaCompass because different errors kept coming up, but for this particular error I solved it by commenting out that part in the script in the MetaCompass folder (there is also a script in the subfolder workflows, did not touch that one). So move to your MetaCompass folder, open the script with nano, then you can search for 'if not notimestamps' with Ctrl+W and comment out or remove the two lines.

Does this help? @esraagithub

MMAThijssen avatar Apr 04 '22 10:04 MMAThijssen