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syser debugger x32/x64 ring3 with source level debugging/watch view/struct view

reverse engineering old syser win32 debugger
improved handle x64 arch and fix some bugs

struct viewer
note: pdb2sds.exe .pdb .sds must be same arch!
for source level debugging don't convert .exe to .sds
syser debugger will automatic detect .pdb for .exe
pdb2sds.exe while convert doest include source level debug info
only structs and variables

convert any .pdb or .exe by util pdb2sds.exe
load .sds file from syser menu
Menu "File"->"Load Symbol File"
check from console by command

File BP(s) Size(k) CheckSum TimeStamp ModuleName
0 0k 00000001 00000001 testx64.pdb
1 Module(s)

start debug .exe
open popup menu on data window by right mouse button
choose a struct by select it
choose "Attach type to Addr"
choose "Lock Type"
enter at "Address" address of struct

screenshot of sources

list of sources

to buy sources or make it opensource contact to email from syser about