Marvin W

Results 170 comments of Marvin W

Just to clarify details: You did use modified config.xml with NetworkLocation.apk (or non legacy version from F-Droid) as a user app? Can you try [this version]( with the new Self-check...

This certainly means that the change did not apply correctly. Can you upload your `/system/framework/framework-res.apk` somewhere so I can check what went wrong?

It seems like qualcomm is adding some fixed link to their proprietary location service through `device/qcom/common/product/overlay/frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml`. Remove this file completely or at least change `config_enableNetworkLocationOverlay` to true. I don't understand...

With 859fbd4 you should be able to grant the permission in self-check. Self-check is considered an intermediate fix until we have a nice setup wizard. The problem with runtime permissions...

Please try again with 1.6.2 (first open Self-Check to verify that everything is fine).

Currently the more up-to-date and more accurate backend is used. I planned to add a more fine-grained priority system, but i'm still not sure how and what, because (as @rtreffer...

Rearranging backends was indeed possible in UI but had no influence. Sorry if this caused confusion.

Currently, Google Android has two APIs for geolocating. One of them being the [open source Location API]( that is implemented by UnifiedNLP, the other one is the proprietary [Play Services...

If you use GPS, there is never an improvement of using the Play Services Location API, the GPS signal will not change its result or accuracy due to Google being...