MQTagManage icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
MQTagManage copied to clipboard

An easy to use TagManageView and usagea bit like as UITableView


An easy to use TagManageView and usagea bit like as UITableView. import the file folder "TagManageView", and implement some datasource.

#Intro This widget main contain two parts: [view] and [gestureHelper] #####1.TagManageView: Provide the view base behavior API :

- (void)reloadTagItems;
- (void)autoAdjustZCoordinate;
- (id)dequeueReusableTag:(NSInteger)index;

- (CGRect)rectOfItemAtIndex:(NSInteger)index;
- (NSInteger)indexOfItemAtPoint:(CGPoint)point;
- (UIView *)tagForItemAtPoint:(CGPoint)point;
- (UIView *)tagForItemAtIndex:(NSInteger)index;

/*insert, delete(hide, move)*/
- (void)insertItemAtIndex:(NSInteger)index complete:(void (^) ())complete;
- (void)deleteItemAtIndex:(NSInteger)index complete:(void (^) ())complete;
- (void)moveItemAtIndex:(NSInteger)fromIndex toIndex:(NSInteger)toIndex complete:(void (^) ())complete;

#####2.TagManageViewGestureHelper: This class which extend the function of TagManageView by use TagManageView behavior(base API), the main operate delegate as follow:

//  select tagItem call-back
- (void)tagManageView:(TagManageView *)tagManageView didSelectTagItemAtIndex:(NSInteger)index;
//  move tagItem call-back
- (void)tagManageView:(TagManageView *)tagManageView didMoveItemFromIndex:(NSInteger)fromIndex toIndex:(NSInteger)toIndex;

#More If you just want show something by only use TagManageView, just TagManageView.supportGesture = NO;, it will close gestureoperate. Even you can custom gesture then add on TagManageView like TagManageViewGestureHelper to achieve you want.

I am a junior developer, so Welcome to pointed out problem, fork and push. Thanks. The next step, add reuseQueue to promote efficiency and save memory.