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Serving tiles in XYZ format
Hi !
Appears I am stuck with an issue ... cant really say if I am doing things the wrong way or if it is an issue with the tileserver-php. I have placed tileserver.php in /var/www/html/ folder and the mbtiles file in a data/ folder under the same. I am also able to successfully serve vector tiles with default styles (by specifying the vector source in style file to the geojson output (localhost/tileserver.php?/mymbtiles(filename).json) as described in the documentation in openmaptiles.org. However, when I change the source to XYZ format .. I meet with no success. The url which the tileserver.php index page displays when one clicks on the XYZ link is http://localhost/tileserver.php?/index.json?//var/www/html/data/mymbtiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf. I have tried adding the same to my style file as a vector source. Tried various other combinations as well .. with no success. (localhost/tileserver.php?/mymbtiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf .. localhost/tileserver.php?/data/mymbtiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf .. localhost/tileserver.php?/mymbtiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.ext.
Is there an issue here ..or am I doing things wrong ? Any pointers in this regard will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
Which LAMP/WAMP are you using? Mod rewrite enabled? Htaccess allowed?
Try to set dataroot https://github.com/klokantech/tileserver-php/blob/master/tileserver.php#L13 or base url to your folder https://github.com/klokantech/tileserver-php/blob/master/tileserver.php#L15 or rewritebase in htaccess https://github.com/klokantech/tileserver-php/blob/master/.htaccess#L9
Some configurations of stack have a problems...
I am using .. Ubuntu 17.04, Apache2 Ubuntu, Postgresql (installed) ..but I guess not relevant here, and PHP 7.0.22. Data root has been set to /var/www/html/data/ .. where my mbtiles file is located ..as detailed in documentation in openmaptiles.org. I will try to do the changes suggested with respect to base url & rewritebase in .htaccess and revert back.
Thanks for a prompt response. Much appreciated.
Verified the following ..
- mod rewrite is enabled.
- .htaccess allowed both in /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf and /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
- .htaccess file in the same folder as tileserver.php file.
- data root already set to the folder where my mbtiles file is located /var/www/html/data/ (see no issue here as the the map loads perfectly fine if the source is pointed to geojson output in the style json file).
- changed the rewritebase to / (by uncommenting line 9 in .htaccess)
No success so far.
I didn't try out setting base url to data folder as suggested .. I am testing on a localhost presently with the tileserver.php file in the /var/www/html/ folder. The data root is already set to /var/www/html/data/ .. where my mbtiles file is located. So, should I be pointing the base url to http://localhost in the array .. I mean should it be .. config['baseUrls'] = array('http://localhost/') ?