electron-webrtc copied to clipboard
⚛ Use WebRTC in Node.js via a hidden Electron process
To support SOCKS proxy for WebRTC in [webtorrent](https://github.com/feross/webtorrent) in an Electron app, using a combination of electron-wrtc and `window.webContents.session.setProxy({proxyRules:"socks5://"})` seems to be the simplest way to support this (even if...
My application gives an EPIPE error somewhere around 5 minutes into its execution. The error stack is not very useful, but it only occurs when I have electron-webrtc integrated, so...
This happened once while I was trying to connect two local peers with one another (via the webrtc-swarm library). I think this is an error from the stderr output of...
freaking cool project! is there any way to tell whether or not all deps required to run electron-webrtc are installed on the computer? like a `electronWebrtc.supported` or `electronWebrtc.supported(callback)` (if it...
How hard would it be to add support for the MediaStream API? If I use simple-peer and add an on stream event, it gets called! But the stream parameter is...