electron-webrtc copied to clipboard
Error when creating second DataChannel.
Trying to create 2 datachannels in a row fails with an error.
var wrtc = require('electron-webrtc')()
var pc = new wrtc.RTCPeerConnection({})
pc.createDataChannel('label1', {})
pc.createDataChannel('label2', {})
Error: Error evaluating "
var pc = conns["0"]
var dc = pc.dataChannels[65535]
var id = 'dc:' + "0" + ':' + dc.id
dc.onopen = function () {
send(id, {
type: 'open',
state: {
ordered: dc.ordered,
protocol: dc.protocol,
maxPacketLifeType: dc.maxPacketLifeType,
maxRetransmits: dc.maxRetransmits,
negotiated: dc.negotiated,
reliable: dc.reliable
dc.onmessage = function (e) {
send(id, {
type: 'message',
event: {
data: e.data instanceof ArrayBuffer ? arrayBufferToBase64(e.data) : e.data,
origin: e.origin
dataType: e.data instanceof ArrayBuffer ? 'binary' : 'string'
dc.onbufferedamountlow = function () {
send(id, { type: 'bufferedamountlow' })
dc.onclose = function () {
delete pc.dataChannels[dc.id]
send(id, { type: 'close' })
dc.onerror = function () {
send(id, { type: 'error' })
if (dc.readyState === 'open') dc.onopen()
for (var i = 0; i < dc.msgQueue.length; i++) {
dc.msgQueue = null
" in "window": Cannot read property 'length' of null
at Daemon.<anonymous> (/Users/Mullen/Desktop/Projects/Web/Working/simple-peer/node_modules/electron-eval/lib/index.js:81:21)
at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:315:30)
at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
at Daemon.emit (events.js:211:7)
is always 65535
, which is leading to a conflict.
It looks like the non-uniqueness of ids is normal. (Happens in Chrome and Firefox too).
Since they aren't unique, using them for the pc._dataChannels map is incorrect.