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Try reconstruction with dynamic focal length

Open Fryman420 opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

Hello! I am currently try to put AR on a video. For that I am parsing "reconstruction.json" file for camera Tvec and Rvec. But this approach only works good when the focal length is constant. How can I get reconstruction with dynamic focal length?

Fryman420 avatar Dec 17 '21 13:12 Fryman420

Hi @Fryman420,

In order to support such cases, you would need to have one different camera model for each image. You can enforce that with the option unknown_camera_models_are_different: True and making sure/hacking your EXIFs, such that you camera model is unknown unknown (see

However, be aware that OpenSfM SfM algorithms are not well tailored for such case.

Let me know if that helps,


YanNoun avatar Jan 05 '22 09:01 YanNoun