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Why don't use ba to optimize the shot pose in the resect function?

Open lmz-whu opened this issue 3 years ago • 1 comments

If using pnp to recover shot pose, in fact, only tracks, which tracks length are more than 3, are used. And it ignores the relation between match pairs not reconstructed.

lmz-whu avatar Sep 06 '21 08:09 lmz-whu

Hi @lmz-whu,

Indeed, the process of adding a new camera is the following : 1 - Resect a new shot with PnP 2 - Bundle adjust new added shot with tracks of length >= 3 3 - Triangulate new points (i.e. length == 2) (4 - optionaly, bundle locally or the entire scene)

You're right that newly triangulated points aren't optimal reprojection-wise. We expect this to be fixed in further local/global bundles.

Let me know if that answer your question.


YanNoun avatar Sep 20 '21 10:09 YanNoun