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Question: Is there a way to specify region of interest after building sparse cloud?

Open vik748 opened this issue 4 years ago • 3 comments

I am trying to use open SFM to create 3D models of icebergs. Here is an example of the resulting Sparse cloud Screenshot from 2020-08-03 11-42-09

As you can see, the iceberg of interest is the one in the center, the other smaller pieces of ice move around and aren't consistent geometrically with the main iceberg. Also there are underwater and far off points that are being tracked. The dense cloud look like: Stingray_OpenSFM

Is there a way to specify a region of interest around the main iceberg. Ideally I would be able to:

  1. In the sparse cloud, trim points not on the main iceberg.
  2. Redo the bundle adjustment with the points on the main iceberg only.
  3. Create dense cloud only within the region of interest.

vik748 avatar Aug 03 '20 15:08 vik748

I don't think there's a way do to this; but you can use a software such as cloudcompare to trim the point cloud afterwards.

pierotofy avatar Sep 16 '20 15:09 pierotofy

I was able to achieve the desired results by modifying the reconstruction json file using a python script.

vik748 avatar Sep 16 '20 15:09 vik748

Hi @vik748 ,

Thank you for providing an example of your workflow, we're going to see in region-of-interest (ROI) depthmaps generation is a feature that could be interesting for more users.


YanNoun avatar Mar 15 '21 10:03 YanNoun