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Node.js bindings for or-tools vehicle routing problems

Results 36 node-or-tools issues
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Hi, Is there a way to use this package on windows node.js ?

At the moment we expose a single `vehicleCapacity` property. With it users can set the capacities for _all their vehicles_. What we should do instead is expose a `vehicleCapacities` property...

Hello, i'm really confused about how to declare demands, in the documentation it states that there is a from-to locations pair of values, and in this example i see 3...

Can you provide a way to package the official ortools into a static link library, I failed to use bazel packaging, thank you

Hey, guys. Thanks for making a great library. I'm getting beautifully optimized routes! My issue revolves around the resulting library size. Pulling from npm, this library comes in at a...

It is not taking the best (shortest and fastest) route. The image shows the points to visit ordered as the VRP result. i use node-osrm to get the cost table...

Is it normal to have one result when specifying ONLY 1 vehicle available, and another order result when specifying more than one vehicle?

This is very weird as it only happens if `node_or_tools` is part of a `package.json` with other packages, but it doesn't happen if `node_or_tools` is the only package in the...

Hey, can I have an example of how to implement the following in the Google OR with time windows: 1. Different vehicle speeds 2. Different vehicle capacity 3. Delivering packages...

Support different types of vehicles such as walk, bike, car. Could also be used to model "skill sets" when dispatching employees. This requires the user to hand us vehicle-class specific...