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[Norway] Reviewing osmlint-osmium and osmlint data issues
As part of on-going work to improve the quality of OpenStreetMap data, we use internal Mapbox data validation jobs that search OSM data for errors for detecting issues related to road network data in Norway. In total, we are going to review issues in 9 categories.
Our plan is to review all detected issues and fix it in OpenStreetMap. There's a link to the OSM Wiki page.
We are going to start review on the April 2022.
We will use existing OpenStreetMap editing tools, we will use #hashtag for the project #mapbox_linters_norway
Editor: iD Satellite Imagery: Norway Orthophoto, Bing, Maxar, Esri Street Level Imagery: Mapillary, OpenStreetCam, other open sources if available
Contact Person
We welcome feedback, suggestions, and insights from local mappers. If you have questions about this work, or a specific edit by our team, please reach out to Natallia ([email protected]). Also you can leave a comment in a changesets.
Linter Output for Norway
Here are json files by categories, you can watch them through
Issue | Data |
Crossing Highways | |
Mixed Layer | |
Island Highways | |
Impossible Angle | |
Impossible Oneways | |
Missing Type Restriction | |
Missing Role | |
Excessive Roles | |
Invalid Role | |
cc @abrohood @shvrm @lukasmartinelli @vladaboitsik @sonyahilchik
Bing should absolutely not be used in Norway for mapping purposes, it has large offset. Esri and Maxar is somewhat okay many places, but has very low resolution.
Norway Orthophoto
is the official imagery service in Norway and is publicly available for use in iD and JOSM. It has high quality images. - All main roads imported in norway are coming from the official Road service "Statens Vegvesen" - "NVDB"-database and these match the "Norway Orthophoto" map service.
Other than that, great that Mapbox are focusing on Norway as well!
As a representative of the public transport sector (which largely uses Mapbox for map tiles), we would like to make a note of the importance of connected rail and bus platforms to the general road/foot network. We are also very happy that you will resolve routing islands.
Our Mapbox:
Please do not use Bing, Maxar, Esri or any other satellite imagery due to large offsets in Norway. Instead, please use "Norway Orthophoto" and "N50 topo" which have excellent quality.
Reference/import files for highways are here if needed (files for JOSM per municipality): NVDB all highways.
Norwegian highways which are missing in OSM are here: NVDB missing highways Adding them to OSM is a high priority.
Hello everyone! Thanks all for your comment and useful information! During editing we'll keep it in mind. We don't make rail and bus platforms edits, but we'll take care about not to break them.
best regards, sbelemey @mathiash98 @JohanEntur @NKAmapper
FYI. I represent some large cities in Norway (e.g. Oslo, Stavanger, Kristiansand and Drammen), and we use and plan to further make use OSM for infrastructure planning, bicycle information and cycle routes. This work is done in cooperation with Entur and is maintained and updated with some paid work by external consultants as well. Examples:
Hello, @tsobuskerudbyen! thanks for the information, but in our project we don't fix bicycle information and cycle routes.
Best regards, Sergey