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Curl error 61 in editor with certain map features
- Unity version: 2021.1.3+
- Scripting Runtime Version: Default
- Scripting Backend: IL2CPP
- Api Compatibility Level: .NET Standard 2.0
- Mapbox SDK version: 2.1.1
- The platform you're building to: Editor
- A description of what you're trying to do:
- Use additional map features, POI, or 3D buildings
- Steps to recreate the bug if appropriate:
- Try any sample scene in the editor which uses the mentioned map features
- Links to your logs are also helpful:
The error only occurs in the editor when using Unity versions newer than 2021.1.2. Curiously the error does not happen in build (WebGL). According the release notes of 2021.1.3 Unity updated UnityWebRequest's libCurl backend. After the update Microsoft Play Fab also experienced a similar issue.
I would try to fix this manually, but the error does not contain any stacktraces.
Some problem here on Unity 2020.3.9 Curl error 61: Unrecognized content encoding type. libcurl understands identity content encodings.
No stack trace or anything else. Mapbox does not load new tile data.
Any help appreciated
The issue arised since Unity 2020.2 I guess, it is due to an updated version of Curl not supporting whatever header value of 'Content-Encoding' is set to. I suggest that you debug the headers received from the WebRequest
@brnkhy Please take a look at this
Any update on this?
The Problem still exists in Untity 2020.3.12 It's not possible to get new tiles without error in Editor. Could someone please take a look at this? Thanks
Hey everyone,
I finally had a chance to look into this. Problem is Unity editor is just dropping gzip packages automatically in certain versions (2020.3+ I think) and Mapbox servers are strictly gzip-only
I'm looking for a workaround but there probably will not be one.
I found this on the other hand;
Information is very vague on that page but it claims fix is
Fixed in 2022.1.X
Fix In Review for 2019.4.X
Planned for 2020.3.X, 2021.1.X
So looks like Unity recognizes this as an issue/bug and it'll be fixed.
I can confirm that this bug is not present until 2020.3.7f but seems to appear a few versions later based on the libcurl upgrade. So stick with this version to get rid of this issue combined with 2020.3 LTS . I will keep an eye on the changelog for 2020.3.x and leave an comment when the fix is integrated. It's a bit strange that the issuetracker is marking 2020.3.x as fixed which is definately not the case yet.
This has been fixed in 2020.3.16f1. Unity editor now supports gzip and I can confirm that this error is gone.
2021.1.16f1 is still bad :(
@gisinator thx for the information. will check out the new version as soon as possible ! @KuraiAndras is the fix listed in the changelog for 2021.1.16f1 ? What features are you using which are not included in 2020 LTS ?
To be honest not much. The thing is that we constantly keep our projects up to date with the latest Unity versions, to avoid the hassle when updating major versions. So far it have served us fine.
It's a matter of taste. We are jumping also as early as possible to avoid large gaps between the versions. But for my taste stable to stable seems bit more reliable. Is everything else working fine regarding mapbox ?
Well everything else is fine. We did have to do a few modifications to the source code to have better performance in WebGL but other than that it worked quite well.
The fix landed in 2021.1.17, the editor works as expected 🎉
@KuraiAndras awesome, thanks for letting us know!
2020.3.16f1 2021.1.17 seems good for now 👍
I'm having the same problem. Unity 2021.1.15f1 Version. URP Project. 'Curl error 61: Unrecognized content encoding type. libcurl understands identity content encodings.'
how to fix it?? just version upgrade?? I will be glad for your help.
it works fine in (Unity 2021.1.17f1, Unity 2020.3.16f1) regardless of URP. oh yeeeeah!!