mapbox-maps-ios copied to clipboard
Offline Load Tile Region in version above 11.3 not work with custom style.
- Xcode version: 15.4
- iOS version: 17.5
- Devices affected: Iphone 15 Pro Max
- Maps SDK Version: 11.5.1
Observed behavior and steps to reproduce
I have issue from loadTileRegion. My app use custom styleURL and mapview was load style successfully. I write a function for create a TileRegionLoadOptions
let offlineManager = OfflineManager()
let bounds = mapView.mapboxMap.coordinateBounds(for: mapView.bounds)
let coordinates = [bounds.southwest, bounds.northeast, bounds.northwest, bounds.southeast]
if let styleURI = mapView.mapboxMap.styleURI {
let options = TilesetDescriptorOptions(styleURI: styleURI, zoomRange: 7...16, tilesets: nil)
let tilesetDescriptor = offlineManager.createTilesetDescriptor(for: options)
let tileRegionLoadOptions = TileRegionLoadOptions(
geometry: .polygon(.init([coordinates])),
descriptors: [tilesetDescriptor], metadata: nil,
acceptExpired: false, networkRestriction: .none)
and use it with
forId: name,
loadOptions: options)
For version 11.2, it will working normally ( have download progress )
But in version above 11.3, It will instant return TileRegion with zero data ( requiredResourceCount , completedResourceCount, completedResourceSize ).
Expected behavior
I want it working normally in version above 11.3.
Notes / preliminary analysis
Because of rejected from Apple about Privacyinfo.xcprivacy in version below 11.3, I cannot use them. So I'm trying to upgrade to newer version but facing this issue.