mapbox-maps-flutter copied to clipboard
iOS: LineLayer only fully renders at certain zoom levels
Using the 0.5.1 release of the package, I've noticed that my LineLayers loaded from a GeoJSON source are only fully rendered in when I zoom in to a certain level. This issue is not impacting the Android builds of my application, only iOS.
In my onStyleLoaded callback I execute the following code:
await map?.style.addSource(GeoJsonSource(
id: "source", data: json.encode(trailMapping), lineMetrics: true));
await map?.style.addLayer(LineLayer(
id: 'layer-bg',
sourceId: 'source',
lineCap: LineCap.SQUARE,
lineJoin: LineJoin.BEVEL,
lineBlur: 0,
lineTrimOffset: [0.0, 0.0],
lineWidth: 24.0,
await map?.style.addLayer(LineLayer(
id: 'layer-fg',
sourceId: 'source',
lineCap: LineCap.SQUARE,
lineJoin: LineJoin.BEVEL,
lineBlur: 0,
lineTrimOffset: [0.0, 0.0],
lineWidth: 16.0,
await map?.style.addLayer(LineLayer(
id: 'layer-actual',
sourceId: 'source',
lineCap: LineCap.SQUARE,
lineJoin: LineJoin.BEVEL,
lineBlur: 0,
lineColor: Colors.orangeAccent.value,
lineDasharray: [1.2, 1.8],
lineTrimOffset: [0.0, 0.0],
lineWidth: 3.0,
I have tested with multiple sized data sources and have been unable to find a workaround for the issue. Is it something I am missing or is there a workaround I can implement which will allow the layer to be visible at all zoom levels?
Flutter 3.16.8 • channel stable • Framework • revision 67457e669f (3 weeks ago) • 2024-01-16 16:22:29 -0800 Engine • revision 6e2ea58a5c Tools • Dart 3.2.5 • DevTools 2.28.5
I just tested using the 1.0.0-rc.1 release and am still experiencing the issue specifically on iOS devices. If this is a bug, I would be interested in investigating a fix for it with some direction on where to begin.
Just revisited this issue and determined the problem was on my end due to how I was using lineTrimOffset. Closing this issue.