mapbox-maps-android copied to clipboard
Point annotations are tinted black
- Android OS version: All(?) Tested on APIs 24-31
- Devices affected: All(?) Tested on multiple OnePlus and Pixel devices, Motorola Moto One (2018) and the official Android Emulator
- Maps SDK Version: 10.2.0
Observed behavior and steps to reproduce
After deleting a point annotation, all point annotation created after are tinted black. The issue also occurs if the original annotation is updated with a new point, instead of deleting and recreating.
- Create a point annotation on a map view
- Delete the point annotation
- Create a new point annotation with the same bitmap (not necessarily the same object, the issue also occurs if the bitmap is created from a drawable res each time)
My specific use case is calling the following code segment in an OnMapLongClickListener
so a user can select a specific location on a map.
// Setup annotation manager if we haven't
if (annotationManager == null) {
val annotationApi = mapView?.annotations
annotationManager = annotationApi?.createPointAnnotationManager(mapView!!)
// Build marker annotation at point
val pointAnnotationOptions: PointAnnotationOptions = PointAnnotationOptions()
// Replace any existing marker with the new marker
marker?.let {
it.point = point
if (marker == null) {
marker = annotationManager?.create(pointAnnotationOptions)
Expected behavior
Annotation icon should be the correct colors.
Notes / preliminary analysis
Additional links and references
First created annotation/Expected behavior:
After deleting/creating or updating point:
@frap129 thank you for reporting this behavior. I'm able to reproduce it on v10.2.0.
@frap129 after testing this on a physical device I am not able to reproduce. Are you testing this on an emulator or a physical device?
@ZiZasaurus Both. I am able to reproduce it on my Motorola Moto One (2018) running Android 9 and the emulator on APIs 24-31, but I am not able to reproduce it on my OnePlus Nord N10 running Android 11.
@frap129 does the marker color return if you change zoom levels or pan around?
@frap129 closing this ticket but please feel free to reopen with additional questions or more information about your use case.
Hi @ZiZasaurus was this issue fixed, or is there a workaround? I'm seeing it often when the map is reloaded in the simulator. We are planning a release to users and I'm afraid it will happen on real devices, as @frap129 reported.
Hi @ZiZasaurus, it's happening to me as well, both on the emulator API 30 and on a real device, Pixel 2 running Android 11
@TiagoLira hi, please share more details, seems your issue is not exactly the one described here. The code you use to reproduce, emulator & sdk version, does it happen on map reload only?
Hi @ZiZasaurus, it's happening to me as well, both on the emulator API 30 and on a real device, Pixel 2 running Android 11
hey, how does it reproduce, are the steps described in the issue the same for you?
Hey @yunikkk , in my case it's happening with a SymbolLayer. It happens on just simply loading the map and adding a geojson source and the layer:
private fun bitmapFromDrawableRes(context: Context, @DrawableRes resourceId: Int) =
convertDrawableToBitmap(AppCompatResources.getDrawable(context, resourceId))
bitmapFromDrawableRes(this, R.drawable.ic_cross)?.let { bitmap ->
style.addImage("restaurant", bitmap, true)
geoJsonSource(GEOJSON_SOURCE_ID) {
symbolLayer("unclustered-points", GEOJSON_SOURCE_ID) {
iconImage( "restaurant" )
The icon I'm loading is:
And loaded on the map it looks like this:
I'm using Mapbox v10.3.0
Hi @yunikkk
Target SDK - v30 Emulator - Pixel 4 API 30
On onViewCreated
I call loadStyleUri(Style.MAPBOX_STREETS)
After the OnStyleLoaded
callback I add some PointAnnotations with custom bitmaps.
Nothing out of the ordinary I think. And it's not specific on reloads. Maybe 20% of the times when I load this fragment, the bug happens.
Also tried it with a drawable image and it still happens - so the image is not the issue. Apparently, light colors turn black and darker colors become transparent. Maybe some kind of color conversion is happening when rendering markers?
Thanks for looking into it, let me know if you need any extra info from my side.
if (pointManager == null) {
pointManager = annotationApi.createPointAnnotationManager()
pointManager!!.addClickListener(OnPointAnnotationClickListener {
return@OnPointAnnotationClickListener true
//add markers
list.forEach { item ->
addAnnotationToMap(item, pointManager!!)
private fun addAnnotationToMap(item: MapItem, manager: PointAnnotationManager) {
val context = context ?: return
val bitmap = MapMarkerHelper.createCircleMarker(...)
val pointAnnotationOptions: PointAnnotationOptions = PointAnnotationOptions()
.withPoint(Point.fromLngLat(item.destination.coordinates.longitude, item.destination.coordinates.latitude))
It also happens with annotations included in the MAPBOX_STREETS style. I've detected the following behaviour on the emulator (Pixel 5 API 30), but not on a real device (Pixel 2 Android 11):
Have this exact issue too. any fix?
Hi. I am also seeing this behavior on the emulator API 33, mapbox vs 10.10.0. I couldn't reproduce it on any physical device.
It should look like this:
but onClick event it turns black and white:
The color returns if I change zoom levels or pan around.
To get around this, add a slight zoom when you position the map view after deleting an annotation. (or decrease it if you just added it, so that you don't end up at the maximum zoom and disturb the user)
We can imagine a var zoom = 7, then if this variable == 7, then we zoom by 8, otherwise 7, to stay about the same zoom.
The zoom process makes the bitmap correct.
Hello! Any solutions or workarounds on this issue? I a still seeing it
any solution ?
is there any on tap functionality in this, I need to show modal sheet on tapping marker. Please help if anyone know about this.
Any update?
no update from yeaarrssss :/ this why the best solution is to switch to Google Map
See this related issue if it helps resolving your problems. Seems to happen only on emulator: