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Does 3D terrain feature work for Qt Location Mapbox GL Plugin?
I have created custom map style in Mapbox Studio with 3D terrain and it looks fine in the Studio:
However in QML application there is no 3D terrain, map is still flat and 2D:
The only thing we can do 3D is 3d-buildings
layer, see used code below:
import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
import QtLocation 5.15
import QtPositioning 5.15
import "../helper.js" as Helper
//! [top]
Map {
id: map
plugin: Plugin {
name: "mapboxgl"
PluginParameter {
name: "mapboxgl.access_token";
value: "pk.eyJ1IjoidGFudHJpZG8iLCJhIjoiY2tlYnB0YWo0MGFpczJzcnZubHRlNTAwbiJ9.6QG-4BeuCpUjaawDiyyfVg"
PluginParameter {
name: "mapboxgl.mapping.additional_style_urls";
value: "mapbox://styles/tantrido/ckyuch3ub001q16ofjwsxnlz6"
MapParameter {
type: "layer"
property var name: "3d-buildings"
property var source: "composite"
property var sourceLayer: "building"
property var layerType: "fill-extrusion"
property var minzoom: 15.0
MapParameter {
type: "filter"
property var layer: "3d-buildings"
property var filter: [ "==", "extrude", "true" ]
MapParameter {
type: "paint"
property var layer: "3d-buildings"
property var fillExtrusionColor: "#55aaff"
property var fillExtrusionOpacity: .6
property var fillExtrusionHeight: { return { type: "identity", property: "height" } }
property var fillExtrusionBase: { return { type: "identity", property: "min_height" } }
Is it possible to add some MapParameter
(s) or PluginParameter
(s) to a Qt 5.15 QML application to enable 3D terrain, or this feature is not supported by Qt Location Mapbox GL Plugin like sky layer? Is some good example exists somewhere?
@akontsevich this feature is not supported by the Qt plugin. To have access to the latest features such as terrain and sky, please check our Maps SDK v10
@akontsevich this feature is not supported by the Qt plugin. To have access to the latest features such as terrain and sky, please check our Maps SDK v10
Thanks, @tmpsantos! How to try it? Build ourselves? Where to download? Does it work with Qt/QML (it says existing applications should work)?
@akontsevich currently general availability is only for Android and iOS. We don't have a public SDK that could be integrated with Qt/QML on say, Linux or Windows desktop. For automotive/embedded customers, please reach out to our sales channel.
@tmpsantos we contacted - no answer.
@akontsevich apologies for that. Please reach out to my work email [firstname] and we can better discuss the issue.