- [ ] Avoid using shell escape (proposed to create a dedicated binary) - [x] Use deterministic mount paths to make caching work - currently because of the random mount...
Currently there is a few implicit assumption in the code that we're building Linux containers with Modus itself also running on Linux. These includes * `path.starts_with("/")` * Use of signal...
``` use(url, image, path). url(str, protocol, host, port, path). image(str, name, tag). path(str, directory, filename). ``` or having builtin be prefixed with something like `$path` or `@path` or having uppercase...
> I had a discussion with @barr, and he suggested to use operators that define conditions of cache invalidation. We were thinking of something like that: > > * `::no_cache`...
Not something urgent now, but it looks like we are cloning Literal etc a lot. Plus when we add source info into literal (?) it will be even more information...