I have also encountered similar situations, but now my iPad (Safari) can avoid this issue: it won't be redirected to the login page. However, my technical knowledge is limited, and...
> I have also encountered similar situations, but now my iPad (Safari) can avoid this issue: it won't be redirected to the login page. However, my technical knowledge is limited,...
> I have also encountered similar situations, but now my iPad (Safari) can avoid this issue: it won't be redirected to the login page. However, my technical knowledge is limited,...
> Hello all, > > I had this same problem as I was trying to get homeassistant notifications to follow directly to the url of the request but it would...
> 好的谢谢。 我管理的高级步骤是: > > 1. 使用 gw_global_tool 清除管理员密码(在这一步中,我没有刷新修改后的固件,尽管提供了它,但对于 M2) > 2. 通过点击打开telnet。 > > 在这种情况下,我设法将网关集成到 HA,但那里没有任何作用。所以我得出的结论是定制固件是必须的。 > > 我关闭了 GW 电源,下次开机时魔法点击不再起作用,我尝试了很多次并重置了 GW。切换到Aqara Home模式,我只好再次切换到米家,添加到米家,之前添加的设备全都丢失了。 > > 3. 魔法点击再次起作用,我打开telnet并使用“Flash M1S修改固件方法”更新固件 >...
Thank you, I have also successfully carried out the operation in the same way as you. @vit5041