Valeriy Mukhtarulin
Valeriy Mukhtarulin
Could you add it please, to simplify the installation directly from git?
Hi @ChristianMarzahl , thank you for your work. It was helpful for me, especially anchors representations. I adapted your code to fastai2, feel free to use it Once I...
`[d for d in datefinder.find_dates("Fwd: Your return of Blue Torrent AC 88927 24 Inches...")]` datefinder 0.7.2.dev0 (installed from this commit `0b864955e1c80c03fca16ee9a81fbf774f17f362`) python-dateutil 2.8.1 File "/Users/valery/.local/share/virtualenvs/manhattan-hub-P2Qax13w/lib/python2.7/site-packages/datefinder/", line 38, in find_dates as_dt...
I noticed that ref definitions are not present in the parse_obj result. To reproduce: ``` from typing import * from pydantic import Field from openapi_schema_pydantic import OpenAPI from pydantic.schema import...
Hi! I was checking out libpostal, and saw something that could be improved. E.g. for a simple address `"Via Mazzacavallo, 8 43122 Parma PR Italia"` lib postal returns country as...
I don't have much details atm but I noticed that in certain cases the performance is awful. I wouldn't say it's a specific version, it has been always like that...
If the main section is too big, there's a huge blank space after plots. @simoess
Say, we scrape one website from different categories. In this case all items will have the same root, e.g. have `` in common. By returning this information, we...